Nursery enjoyed a tremendous start to the week, with a trip to watch The Gruffalo at the Warwick Arts Centre. Both children and staff were utterly mesmerised by this outstanding performance from the ‘Tall Stories’ theatre company. The children were wide-eyed and delighted to join in with the story, in pantomine style. As a cohort, Nursery must be commended because they behaved impeccably during the outing, and all clearly enjoyed travelling on the ‘great, big coach’ to the venue.
Our Little Crackers then experienced their very own moment of fame, joining in with repeated refrains and performing songs to our Nursery Christmas production, A Little Nativity. It has been heart-warming to see such effort to learn the words, and we thank parents for supporting us with practise at home, which helped the children’s confidence on stage.
Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas lunch have also added to our seasonal celebrations and ensured that this busy week has certainly been full of festive cheer.
During Phonics, this week’s traditional tale has been Jack and the Beanstalk, which prompted spin-off discussion about whether Jack should have taken the giant’s belongings or whether he could have found a different way to solve his problem!
We lit our third candle on the Advent wreath and the children were able to suggest lots of thoughtful ways in which we could get our hearts ready to celebrate Jesus’s birthday on Christmas day. The third candle signifies ‘Joy’ and this word certainly sums up our week in Nursery!