
Monday Mission Assembly

Mrs Glen-Roots led the Monday Mission assembly when we lit the second Advent candle - the candle of Peace. We were given the opportunity to reflect on peace in our lives and within the wider world. Just as John the Baptist prepared all those years ago by encouraging people to get baptised and ready for Jesus, we too can get our hearts and ourselves ready by being kind and sharing love. Mrs Glen-Roots explained the meaning of the word Peace - as having no conflict and having harmony and tranquility. We then listened to a story about the 'Enchanted Grove,' whereby creatures and animals in the forest shared their traditions and kindness with travellers passing through. Despite differences, they all realised that peace could be present in understanding and accepting others and building on each other's strengths. Pupils then displayed posters of words to help us understand harmony. These words included Diversity - we should accept all individual people; Understanding - everyone should be accepted and understood for their beliefs; Community - despite differences, we can all live together; Connection - we can all find a connection with each other; Nature is a teacher and we can learn so much from the animals who naturally work together.

To signify the ripple effect of peace, we all made a peace wave around the hall to highlight how we are all peacemakers in our school and beyond.

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Weekly Mission

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Weekly Mission


Children's Liturgy

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Children's Liturgy

Third Sunday of Advent (Year B)
Today we hear about John the Baptist who came to tell everyone to get ready for Jesus who is the light of the world. We reflect on how we share the light of Christ with others.

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