To explain the meaning of why we were wearing Christmas Jumpers on Wednesday, we welcomed a guest speaker who spoke to pupils about Save The Children.
Monique Morris, who is a volunteer for the charity, explained to the children how, over 100 years ago, the founder of the charity, a courageous women called Eglantyne Jebb, responded to the terrible suffering children were facing, declaring that all children should have rights. The right to go to school, to be healthy and to be protected and safe. Mrs Morris helped pupils comprehend how much their donation would help other children who lived in remote villages throughout the world - how £2 could buy 12 special food sachets to help children grow; a midwife kit; purification tablets; a school bag and two goats.
We discovered that Elliott in Junior 2, had a Great Great Grandfather called Captain George Gracey, and in the 1930s and 1940s, he devoted himself to the work of helping children all over the world as the General Secretary of the Save the Children fund.
Thank you to everyone for their generous donations on Christmas Jumper Day, they will be passed on to Save The Children.