PTA News

Please note all the forthcoming dates for your diaries:

PTA AGM followed by an Ordinary Meeting – Now virtual

Due to the recent government updates, we will not be able to hold the PTA AGM at school. We will, however, be able to hold a virtual meeting on Wednesday 23 September - 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm via Zoom.

If you would like to join please email and the link will be shared with you on the day, we really look forward to catching up with both current, and, hopefully lots of new members at the meeting.

Macmillan Coffee Morning – Friday 25 September - 8.00am

Sadly due to the restrictions imposed upon us and concerns from parents, it has been decided that we will not be asking for children to bring snack donations into school for this event. The PTA will provide a refreshment service on the school field after children have been dropped off and there will also be a PTA member collecting in the car park in the morning.

We would like to encourage children to be involved in this charitable cause and invite all children to wear an item of green for the day, this can be socks, hair bobble, t-shirt etc. In addition, they may bring their own snack to eat at breaktime which can be as indulgent as you wish but it must not contain nuts. In return, we ask that each child donates a sum of money on the day which will be collected in class. Although we are not able to support this in the usual manner, we do hope to be able to send Macmillan Cancer Support a charity cheque from all at Crackley Hall.

We hope that we can count on your support for this event.

Second Hand Uniform

Thank you, thank you to our wonderful second hand uniform team, Nikki, Linda and Katie, for being ever patient and serving our wonderful school community with much needed pre loved uniform.

We have lots of coats and jumpers at the moment so please feel to contact them on to arrange an appointment, or to simply check stock availability.

To offer this service, we rely on the wonderful donations from you. So if you have any good quality uniform your child has outgrown, please use the collection box in the school front entrance.  It will then be quarantined for 72 hours before offering for sale.

All money raised from the PTA Uniform shop is spent on extras for your children throughout the year at school and helps the children’s day become even more special.




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