Little Crackers

Nursery News

The extra bit of sunshine this week gave us an even greater chance to enjoy the outdoors. 

Some of us made the most of climbing the trees in Forest School, while others have been racing, chasing, balancing and jumping in the Early Years Playground.

Would you believe, one of our indoor projects this week was making Christmas cards!  Don’t worry, we’re not that keen just yet, but look out for the PTA Christmas Cards designed by your children later this term. 

Our pre-school children have begun their journey towards reading with our lending library, thank you to those who have already started sharing and changing books, I love hearing all about the stories when they bring them back.  Just to let you know, our job in nursery is to focus on sharing stories, exploring the rhyme and rhythm in words and becoming storytellers, we will begin focussing more on the mechanics of individual letter sounds as we move through the year. 

Have a great weekend everyone.
