Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents

I hope you have enjoyed the lovely warm afternoons this week.  The staff and children have certainly made the most of the weather at school and I have seen various lessons from science to drama taking place outside on the lawn and playground.  They have seized the moment and taken time to enjoy the beautiful surroundings we are lucky to have here at Crackley Hall.

There have been daily updates regarding COVID-19 this week and I can assure you that the Foundation as a whole are briefed regularly on the most up to date procedures.  Apologies if our messages to you change from time to time, but these are in line with information that we are provided with by the Department for Education and Department of Health. We have a document which will be shared with you early next week, outlining what course of action to take in each eventuality.  I hope that it will address some of the initial questions you may have if your child shows certain symptoms.  I would remind everyone to please follow regulations and guidance at all times. As we are coming together as a community, we need to consider everyone else and our impact on others.  Thank you so much to everyone who is working together on this.

Our stars of the week were announced in assembly and this week were awarded to:

Ryan, Harriet, Alexander, Joshua, Daiya, Josie-Jean, Joshua, Lennon, Jakob, Agnes, Isabella, Rafferty and Finlay.  Congratulations to you all.

House points for this week saw Mars leading the way with Saturn following closely behind.  Jupiter were third and Venus in fourth place.  Well done, Mars!

This morning, Junior 6 and their teachers gathered as we announced the various roles of responsibility for each of our Junior 6 pupils.  I hope that all pupils were able to share the news with their families this evening.  Next week I will be able to share the recording of the event with the school community.   I am sure that all pupil leaders will do their very best and, hopefully, enjoy the responsibility.  Thank you to Mrs Horan, Mrs Vaughan, Mrs Paphitis, Mr Cottrill and Mrs Stephenson for their help this morning.

Most of our Junior 6 pupils will be at Princethorpe tomorrow for a special Crackley Hall taster morning and their parents can watch a welcome from College Headmaster, Ed Hester, in the Calendar section.  I do hope they enjoy it and look forward to hearing about their time there next week.  My thanks are extended to Mrs Horan and Mrs Paphitis for giving up time on a Saturday to accompany the pupils.

Next week, Father Kevin will be in school to conduct the Blessing of the Stones service for our Reception class.  I hope all the stones are ready to be added to the collection which will remain in our prayer garden for years to come.  Our new children in other year groups will be invited to decorate a stone during the course of this term and parents will be notified in advance.

The PTA have been busy thinking of ideas to continue to raise money both for Crackley Hall and for charity.  The Macmillan Coffee Morning takes place next week and I would refer you to the PTA section of this newsletter for the latest update.  Unfortunately, they have had to provide alternative arrangements for many of their planned events but their enthusiasm is never ending.  If you would like to help in some form and join the PTA, please do get in touch.  Please join the PTA for their AGM this coming Wednesday evening.

Although we have not yet finalised the exact details, I would like to advise you that this term’s parent consultation evenings will be conducted online during week commencing 12 October.  These appointments will be with your child’s form teacher and aimed at discussing how your child has settled during the term, their attitude to learning, their wellbeing and their academic progress to date.

As most of you will know, Mrs Malcolm started her maternity leave during the summer break and I am delighted to announce that she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy in August.  We will be sending Mrs Malcolm, and her husband, a gift to celebrate baby Kit and for those of you who would like to contribute please see the link later in this edition.

I do hope that you are able to enjoy a restful and happy weekend.

God bless,


Mr Duigan