
Blessing Of The Stones And Harvest Week

Blessing of the Stones - Thursday 24 September

Reception children will be busy finding and decorating a stone this weekend so that they can bring it in on Monday 21 September. All stones should be handed to Mrs Convey in preparation for the Service with Father Kevin on Thursday 24 September - 9.00am. The service is only for the children, but we will try to video it and send it to parents later in the week. The stones will be then added to the prayer garden.

Harvest Week begins Monday 5 October 

Pupils are asked to bring in food donations (packets and tins please) to school during this week. These will be given to the class teacher who will put them in a box in the classroom. All donations will be taken to the Kenilworth, Leamington and Warwick Food Banks to help communities in need.

Junior 3 will participate in a Harvest Mass at 2.00pm on Monday 5 October. During this Mass Father Kevin will also bless the stones from any child in Junior 3 who has not added their stone to the prayer garden yet.

RE Book Of The Week

RE Book of the Week is awarded to Noah Cowlishaw for his superb poem and reminder of how we need to look after the planet. During their RE lesson with Mr Duigan, his class has been reflecting on the beauty of God’s Creation and our responsibility to look after it.


Save the Planet

Tress are being axed down

Our world’s face was happy but now is a frown.

At the beach there’s more litter than sea.

Please listen to the planet shouting ‘Help Me’


Don’t use plastic -use paper bags.

Everest is covered in old torn flags.


The lungs of the earth have got lung cancer.

We’re cutting down tress just to enhance our,

Dirty, filthy, polluting machines.

Stop destroying our planet your fiends.


Animals are dying

Smog is flying.

So please, I implore.



Help me save the planet please.

Recycle all your tins of beans.

Global warning makes us hot.

So help me fix the vulnerable spots.


Recycle all the tins of beans.

And help me save the planet please.