Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents 
A very warm welcome to all our families, whether you are an existing family with us or a new one having just joined us. The children have immersed themselves fully into the routine of being back in school and we have seen lots of happy, smiling faces. It has been a real delight to have been witness to this over the week.  
As always, the week has flown by with plenty going on. We have hosted Parent Information Evenings for Junior 1, Junior 5, and Junior 3 this week and it is wonderful to see the support that our parents give the school in the education of their children. You are the primary educators of your children and they look to you first in every way 
Our dedicated PTA are also straight back into the swing of school life, holding a ‘Welcome Back Picnic’ this afternoon.  Mrs Maria Gordon and her committee are absolute stars, and we value greatly and appreciate all they do for the school and the pupils. Five mums were in school last week clearing out the second-hand clothing store! It is so important to the children to see home and school coming together to support them in their little worlds. We really do enjoy coming together as an extended family. 
It is with great sadness that I inform our school community that Nicola, one of our mums, has very recently lost her very bravely borne battle with illness. Her funeral and celebration of her life took place earlier today. Her son is a pupil in Junior 5 and will continue to need much care, support and prayers in the times ahead. The Junior 5 year group have been deeply affected by this and our thoughts are with them as they unite at this heartbreaking time. I have greatly admired Nicola’s strength and determination over the past few years and my prayers and thoughts are with her family at this tragic time. We all join together in praying for the repose of her soul and that she is resting in the peace and love of our Lord. We are humbled with the fact we take a lot for granted in this fast-paced life and it resets us to focus on what is important in life. We are here for each other on the journey.  
Princethorpe College's Admissions team have published a new podcast series, which will be a great asset to parents who are considering Princethorpe College as their choice of secondary school. The podcast is great tool and, in this world of digital convenience, can be listened to on the go; it covers the complete admissions process. Please see the relevant article below for further details.   
Next week we look forward to hosting our first whole school Mass. Parents and families are welcome to join us in celebrating the start of the academic year, with the support of our Lord to guide us through another successful school year. Thank you to Father Kevin for his continuous presence and guidance on our journey.   
In our Celebration Assembly this morning, we opened with the School prayer and Foundation hymn. This will set the tone for the year ahead as we celebrate the wonderful efforts and talents of our fantastic pupils. We presented our pupil leaders with their badges of office and awarded certificates to those who did so well in their Lamda examinations last term. Congratulations to all pupils who were their class Star of the Week: Rec – Jacob and Bella; J1 – Elliott and Sophie; J2 - Otto and Zach; J3 – Grace and Matteo; J4 – Mikaela and Gracie; J5 – Archie and William; and J6 – Amelie and Jude. 
We have the Headmaster’s Quiz on Friday 27 September and this year it is a most ‘prestigious’ event. The Town Mayor, Councillor Alan Chalmers, is the host for the evening and will be leading his quiz team against other local Mayors and, hopefully, some very keen parents and staff members. It is always a night of fun, so please do consider supporting it. More details will follow shortly. 
All new parents are cordially invited to attend our annual New Parents’ Evening in the coming weeks. It is an opportunity for you to meet all the staff and to make acquaintances with other families. 
Many will be looking forward to another good sporting weekend. I hope that you are able to enjoy a warm and dry weekend with your families. 
God bless, 

Rob Duigan 

Quote Of The Week

“Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.” St Theresa of Calcutta.