Little Crackers

A Week In Nursery

What a lovely week we have shared together in Nursery.

The children have been gently finding their feet as they become accustomed to our new routines and expectations. Our Little Crackers have been utterly delightful!

Badgers and Hedgehogs have been introduced to a daily circle time (Talk to Teddy), listening carefully to each other and taking turns to speak. We have chatted about such things as our favourite foods, our night-time snuggle toys, and what we like doing at home.

They are learning to work in pairs and to leave a work-station ready for the next friend, once they have accessed it.

We have also been reminding children how to keep themselves safe by washing hands carefully and we have practised moving around school in a quiet line, holding a partner’s hand.

Dormice have welcomed a number of new children who have also been settling in happily and exploring their new environment, both inside and out.

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Nursery Christmas Closure Dates

It may seem like a long time off, but it comes around quickly! Please see below for the Christmas closure dates:

  • Term time only children - term ends Wednesday 18 December and returns Tuesday 7 January
  • All year round children - nursery will close at 2pm on Tuesday 24 December and returns Thursday 2 January

Please let me know in advance if your child will not be attending at any point during the Christmas holidays. Also, we unfortunately do not have capacity for any additional sessions during the Christmas break.

Many thanks

Little Crackers


Nursery Timetable - Specialist Activities

Please see below for information on the specialist activities this term:


French – Badgers

Rugby Tots


PE - All


Forest School - Badgers and Hedgehogs


Music - All

RE - Badgers

PE - Badgers and Hedgehogs

Please note, Maths and Phonics run fluidly throughout each day and will be taught in small groups. 

Forest School will also be added for Dormice later this term.

Stay 'n' Play Celebrates 20 Years!

We are busy planning for a special 20th Anniversary party for Stay 'n' Play, which will take place on Wednesday 18 September, from 10.30am to 11.45am.

We would be thrilled to see some familiar faces there - if you ever attended Stay 'n' Play, or your child attended with a grandparent or childminder, please let us know as we would love for you to come along.

Please let Jenny Vaughan know in advance, by emailing, as we will be providing refreshments and cake!