Learning In Action

Junior 6

Junior 6 have made a fantastic start to the new term. They have approached all lessons with motivation and enthusiasm, quickly settling into their new routines and classes. What wonderful role models for the rest of the school! Keep up the brilliant work, Junior 6!

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Junior 5

Junior 5 have made a fantastic start to the academic year. They have created some wonderful pieces of work over the summer. The children have settled in splendidly to Junior 5. In Music, the children demonstrated their enthusiasm through singing Little Blue in preparation for Young Voices and clapped to the pulse of the music. The children have also shown their enthusiasm in other classes; displaying their mathematic knowledge, literacy skills and much more. The Junior 5 team look forward to teaching and seeing them grow over this year.

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Junior 4

Junior 4 have worked hard this week, settling into new routines and new classrooms. All pupils have made such a responsible start to the year, and we are very excited to see what the rest of the year will bring. This week we have done lots of activities that involve collaborating within a group, or with our learning partner, earning ourselves some stars for our Crackley Compass star charts. We were very excited to start our Christmas cards in Art and learn some new words in French, including how to write the date. A very warm welcome to our new pupils, Gracie, Oscar and Mikaela, who we are delighted have joined us and have already started making new friends.

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Junior 3

We are all so proud of the smooth transition which our Junior 3 children have made into Key Stage 2. It is such a big step, but they have risen to the challenge. This week we have been learning lots of new systems and we have been talking about how we can become more independent in class. We have also started our Protective Behaviours module which fitted so well with the start of a new school year as we were talking about different emotions. Everyone learnt that various scenarios can result in a variety of emotions and no feeling lasts forever. We also began our new Science topic, looking at the different food groups where we had the opportunity to discover new facts about the food we eat. Well done, Junior 3 what a fabulous start to the new school year!

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Junior 2

What a fabulous first week Junior 2 have had! We are so impressed with how they have started the year with enthusiasm and gusto! We have been settling into the new routines of the year group and they’ve shown us what super readers and writers they are. They have been so kind to their friends and have loved spending time with them at breaktimes and lunchtimes. We can’t wait for an amazing year!

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Junior 1

Starting Junior 1 is such an exciting and significant milestone for our young fresh faces. We are looking forward to a more structured classroom setting where we will begin to develop foundational skills in writing, reading and maths. Our children are very keen to explore their new environment learning important social skills.

We have had such a wonderful first week and look forward to forming stronger friendships and discovery.

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We have had a very busy first week of school and the Reception staff couldn't be more proud of the way the children have settled into their classes. They have managed the new routines, different faces, exploring the school, lining up, finding the toilets and remembering their hats, water bottles and snacks! They are learning so many things all the time, as well as sharing their beautiful holiday posters, learning the first 4 letters in the phonics scheme and beginning to learn Mandarin. We look forward to seeing you next Monday, where we will be able to share finalised timetables and give you the opportunity to ask us any questions.

Forest School will start next Tuesday so the children will need their named all-in-one waterproof suits and wellies - in a carrier bag. Thank you.

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