Welcome to The Chronicle, Crackley Hall School's electronic newsletter.

The Chronicle is mailed out each Friday evening and includes school news, updates from the classrooms and information for parents.

It has been lovely to have the children back in school this week looking smart in their uniform. We have been impressed with how quickly they have settled back into their learning.

Read on to find out what has been happening in school this week.


Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents 
A very warm welcome to all our families, whether you are an existing family with us or a new one having just joined us. The children have immersed themselves fully into the routine of being back in school and we have seen lots of happy, smiling faces. It has been a real delight to have been witness to this over the week.  
As always, the week has flown by with plenty going on. We have hosted Parent Information Evenings for Junior 1, Junior 5, and Junior 3 this week and it is wonderful to see the support that our parents give the school in the education of their children. You are the primary educators of your children and they look to you first in every way 
Our dedicated PTA are also straight back into the swing of school life, holding a ‘Welcome Back Picnic’ this afternoon.  Mrs Maria Gordon and her committee are absolute stars, and we value greatly and appreciate all they do for the school and the pupils. Five mums were in school last week clearing out the second-hand clothing store! It is so important to the children to see home and school coming together to support them in their little worlds. We really do enjoy coming together as an extended family. 
It is with great sadness that I inform our school community that Nicola, one of our mums, has very recently lost her very bravely borne battle with illness. Her funeral and celebration of her life took place earlier today. Her son is a pupil in Junior 5 and will continue to need much care, support and prayers in the times ahead. The Junior 5 year group have been deeply affected by this and our thoughts are with them as they unite at this heartbreaking time. I have greatly admired Nicola’s strength and determination over the past few years and my prayers and thoughts are with her family at this tragic time. We all join together in praying for the repose of her soul and that she is resting in the peace and love of our Lord. We are humbled with the fact we take a lot for granted in this fast-paced life and it resets us to focus on what is important in life. We are here for each other on the journey.  
Princethorpe College's Admissions team have published a new podcast series, which will be a great asset to parents who are considering Princethorpe College as their choice of secondary school. The podcast is great tool and, in this world of digital convenience, can be listened to on the go; it covers the complete admissions process. Please see the relevant article below for further details.   
Next week we look forward to hosting our first whole school Mass. Parents and families are welcome to join us in celebrating the start of the academic year, with the support of our Lord to guide us through another successful school year. Thank you to Father Kevin for his continuous presence and guidance on our journey.   
In our Celebration Assembly this morning, we opened with the School prayer and Foundation hymn. This will set the tone for the year ahead as we celebrate the wonderful efforts and talents of our fantastic pupils. We presented our pupil leaders with their badges of office and awarded certificates to those who did so well in their Lamda examinations last term. Congratulations to all pupils who were their class Star of the Week: Rec – Jacob and Bella; J1 – Elliott and Sophie; J2 - Otto and Zach; J3 – Grace and Matteo; J4 – Mikaela and Gracie; J5 – Archie and William; and J6 – Amelie and Jude. 
We have the Headmaster’s Quiz on Friday 27 September and this year it is a most ‘prestigious’ event. The Town Mayor, Councillor Alan Chalmers, is the host for the evening and will be leading his quiz team against other local Mayors and, hopefully, some very keen parents and staff members. It is always a night of fun, so please do consider supporting it. More details will follow shortly. 
All new parents are cordially invited to attend our annual New Parents’ Evening in the coming weeks. It is an opportunity for you to meet all the staff and to make acquaintances with other families. 
Many will be looking forward to another good sporting weekend. I hope that you are able to enjoy a warm and dry weekend with your families. 
God bless, 

Rob Duigan 

Quote Of The Week

“Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.” St Theresa of Calcutta.

Important Information

Blessings of the Stones - For New Starters

On Wednesday 18 September, all new pupils to Crackley Hall will join in a Blessings of the Stones service. We are inviting all Reception children and new starters to bring in a stone that they have painted or decorated. They can write their name on it, draw their family or hobby, a flower, a symbol, a favourite place - anything that they would like to represent them - and paint it in their favourite colour and then varnish it.

Father Kevin will bless all the stones during the service and will encourage the pupils to feel a sense of belonging to the Crackley Hall School community and understand that it is the children who help to build a school. We will then add the stones to our prayer garden, reminding the pupils that even when they have left, their stones will still be there.

Please bring your stones to the class teacher by Monday 16 September.

Collection Times - Carline and Sport

End of the day collection times and locations are as follows:

Year Collection Location Collection Time
Reception Lower Playground 3:15pm
Junior 1 Main Carline Collection Point (around flagpole) 3:15pm
Junior 2 Main Carline Collection Point (around flagpole) 3:35pm
Junior 3 Lower Playground 3:40pm
Junior 4 Main Carline Collection Point (around flagpole) 3:45pm
Junior 5 Lower Playground 3:55pm
Junior 6 Main Carline Collection Point (around flagpole) 4:05pm

End of the day collection times and locations after Games Lessons (if not taking part in sports clubs) during the Michaelmas Term are as follows:

Year Collection Location Collection Time
Junior 3 Girls Lower Playground (usual collection) 3:40pm
Junior 3 Boys Sports Field 3:45pm
Junior 4 Girls Main Carline (usual collection) 3:45pm
Junior 4 Boys Sports Field 3:45pm
Junior 5 Girls Main Carline (usual collection) 3:55pm
Junior 5 Boys Sports Field 3:45pm
Junior 6 Girls Main Carline (usual collection) 4:05pm
Junior 6 Boys Sports Field 3:45pm

Michaelmas Calendar Card

You will notice that instead of a hard copy calendar, this year we have a new digital calnedar. It includes an interactive contents pages and handy live links to emails, websites and phone numbers. All can be easily downloaded onto your device of choice and the calendar is designed to be mobile friendly for ease of reference.

All the schoool's publications can also be found on My School Portal under School Information and will be updated during the year as necessary.

This move to a ‘digital first’ approach for our publications, is part of the Foundation’s drive to be more sustainable, reducing paper use, printing and postage costs and providing a more user-friendly experience.

Michaelmas Calendar Card

Extra Curricular Clubs

Club Updates

Choral Group will start a week early on Tuesday 10 September



Expression Of Interest For Musical Tuition

If you wish your child to have music tuition at school, then please complete the attached form and return it back to the school office. 

Reception are able to undertake Violin lessons only. Pupils in Junior 1 can access the full range of lessons available. 

Expression of Interest Form

School Day Timings And Registration - Reminder

School Day Timings

The school day commences at 8:30am promptly, and pupils should arrive at 8:20am for registration, to ensure that that they have plenty of time to get to their first lesson punctually.

Early Birds runs from 7:45am to 8:20am.

Any pupils arriving after 8:30am, must sign in at the School Office.

End of the day collection times and locations are as follows:

Year Collection Location Collection Time
Reception Lower Playground 3:15pm
Junior 1 Main Carline Collection Point (around flagpole)  3:15pm 
Junior 2 Main Carline Collection Point (around flagpole)  3:35pm 
Junior 3 Lower Playground  3:40pm 
Junior 4 Main Carline Collection Point (around flagpole)  3:45pm 
Junior 5 Lower Playground  3:55pm 
Junior 6 Main Carline Collection Point (around flagpole)  4:05pm 


Pupils are electronically registered in the morning and after lunch. Registration closes at 8:30am and all children arriving after this time, will need to register with the School Office on arrival. Lateness is recorded and monitored closely. Persistent lateness and/or absence from school will clearly affect a pupil’s achievement and learning.


Parent Information Meetings - Reminder

Year Group

Date Time
Reception  Monday 9 September 2024 4:15pm - 4:45pm
Junior 1  Wednesday 4 September 2024 4:15pm - 4:45pm
Junior 2  Wednesday 11 September 2024 4:15pm - 4:45pm
Junior 3  Thursday 6 September 2024  4:15pm - 4:45pm
Junior 4  Thursday 12 September 2024  4:15pm - 4:45pm
Junior 5  Thursday 5 September 2024  4:15pm - 4:45pm
Junior 6  Friday 13 September 2024  4:15pm - 5:15pm 

On the day of your parent information meeting, please make your way to The Gables where you will be met by staff.

Parking for the meetings will be on the School Field, please avoid parking on the local residential roads.

Children and their Crackley Hall siblings will be looked after by staff for the duration of the meeting only (4:15pm to 4:45pm or 5:15pm for the Junior 6 meeting). Please ensure you collect your children as usual from carline and bring them to The Gables for just before 4:15pm. When collecting your children, please ensure that they are signed out by a member of staff.

If you have any questions regarding the meetings please contact sharonmcaloon@crackleyhall.co.uk

Thank you in advance



Aftercare - New Booking Process - Reminder

From September 2024 Aftercare will need to be booked through My School Portal.  You will be able to book the whole term in advance, and you are able to cancel this yourself, should you need to.


The sessions available are:

Session 1 - 3:30pm to 4:30pm (includes drink and biscuit)

Session 2 - 4:30pm to 6:00pm (includes tea)

Both Sessions - 3:30pm to 6:00pm (includes drink, biscuit and tea)

The costs for Aftercare are £5.00 per hour, or part thereof. You will only be charged for the time that your child spends in Aftercare.

If you require tea, please ensure that you have booked by 12:00pm on the day.

Please ensure that you book Aftercare in good time, as the School Office will be unable to log in to book Aftercare on your behalf.

Aftercare will be open for booking on Friday 30 August from 6:00pm

Traffic Management - Reminder

Morning Drop Off

If using the carline, please move carefully around the roundabout before dropping your child off. Do not stop in the middle of carline, do not block in parked cars or empty spaces and do not use the staff parking spaces.

If you need to walk your child into school, or need to come in for any reason, please use the Lower Playground to park considerately, before making your way into school.

The Sports Field is always open for parking in the morning, please consider parking here and walking over to school to alleviate congestion. Please do not park in the local residential roads where possible. 

Afternoon Collection 

Please arrive promptly at your child’s collection time, as arriving early can cause unnecessary congestion. If using the carline, please move carefully around the roundabout, being extremely aware of pedestrians and other cars.

If you need to come into school for any reason, please use the Lower Playground to park considerately, before making your way into school.

The Sports Field is always open for parking in the afternoon, please consider parking here and walking over to school to alleviate congestion. Please do not park in the local residential roads where possible.

Payment Of School Fees - Reminder

The Foundation is constantly looking closely at all ways to reduce our costs and consequently keep our fees as low as possible - not least with the announcement that VAT will be chargeable on tuition fees from January 2025.  

One significant cost, despite having a highly competitive agreement, relates to the charges we incur when fees are paid by debit or credit card, currently in the region of £50,000 per annum. Direct debit and bank transfer are entirely without additional costs. 

We want to start saving money without delay, so have withdrawn the card payment option. If you currently pay by card, we would now ask you to please pay your fees by one of the following alternative methods:  

  • direct debit – a form is attached, please sign and return the form to the School Office marked for the attention of the Bursary (fees are due on the first day of term so please allow sufficient time for processing);  direct bank transfer - bank details can be found on our website and your termly invoice;  
  • school fee plan - leaflet attached.    
  • Whilst we recognise that paying by card is a convenient option for some parents, we believe that it is better to use this money to help reduce the amount payable by all parents from January. This is one of a range of cost saving measures we will be implementing over the coming year. 

School Fee Plan Leaflet

DD Instruction

We apologise for the short notice, but hope you will understand that by working together we can reduce the impact of the imposition of VAT.  

Eddie Tolcher
Foundation Bursar

Absences And Leave Requests - Reminder

Informing the School of pupil absence

Parents must inform the school via the online absence form on My School Portal or telephone 01926 514444 and leave a voicemail on Option 1, as soon as possible, before 9:00am, if they know that their child will not be in school for either the whole day or any part thereof. For unplanned absence, parents must complete the Absence Form. This can be found on the dashboard or in the My Children section of My School Portal.

If a pupil has a pre-planned appointment, e.g. medical, please inform the school in advance on the Requesting Student Absence: Planned Form, which can be found within the My Children section of My School Portal. This can then be pre-coded on our attendance system. Having alerted the school for any reason of absence it is not necessary to follow up the absence with a written note.

We ask that, where possible, all pupil appointments (e.g. medical or dental) are made out of school hours, to avoid disruption to learning.


Parents are strongly discouraged from taking their children out of school and family holidays should always be taken in the school holiday period which is published over a year in advance. Permission for leave of absence for valid reasons such as a family funeral, should be sought in writing and in advance via My School Portal, with as much notice as possible.  Pupils with persistent absence may be asked to provide medical evidence.


Weekly Information

Events - Michaelmas First Half Term

Please see detailed below events for the first half of the Michaelmas Term.

Monday 9 September 4.15 - 4.45 Reception Parent Information Meeting
Tuesday 10 September    
Wednesday 11 September 10.30 - 11.45 Stay n Play
  4.15 to 4.45 Junior 2 Parent Information Meeting
Thursday 12 September 9.00 - 10.00 Whole School Mass - New Beginnings
  4.15 - 4.45 Junior 4 Parent Information Meeting
Friday 13 September 8.40 - 9.30 Key Stage 2 Celebration Assembly
  4.15 - 5.15 Junior 6 Parent Information Meeting
Monday 16 September    
Tuesday 17 September 7.00 - 8.00 New Parents Welcome Evening
Wednesday 18 September 8.45 - 9.15 Blessings of the Stones
  10.30 - 11.45 Stay n Play
Thursday 19 September    
Friday 20 September 8.40 - 10.00 Key Stage 1 Celebration Assembly
Monday 23 September    
Tuesday 24 September    
Wednesday 25 September 10.30 - 11.45 Stay n Play
  1.00 - 3.30 Junior 4 to 6 House Swimming Gala
  4.00 - 5.00 Informal Performing Arts Recital
  7.00 - 8.30 PTA AGM
Thursday 26 September 6.00 - 8.00 Open Evening 
Friday 27 September 8.40 - 9.30 Key Stage 2 Celebration Assembly
  Morning Macmillan Coffee Morning
  7.00 - 10.00 Headmaster's Quiz
Monday 30 September    
Tuesday 1 October 9.00 - 10.00 Whole School Mass - Harvest
Wednesday 2 October 10.30 - 11.45 Stay n Play
  5.00 - 5.30 Parents Evening Reading
Thursday 3 October    
 Friday 4 October 8.40 - 9.30 Key Stage 1 Celebration Assembly
Monday 7 October 10.00 - 12.30 Junior 5 Maths Challenge
Tuesday 8 October Morning School Photographs - Individual and Class
Wednesday 9 October 10.30 - 11.45 Stay n Play
  All Day Junior 1 St Johns Museum
Thursday 10 October    
Friday 11 October 8.40 - 9.30 Key Stage 2 Celebration Assembly
Monday 14 October 4.30 - 6.30 Reception to Junior 5 Pastoral Parents Evening (online)
  4.30 - 6.30 Junior 6 Academic Parents Evening (online)
Tuesday 15 October    
Wednesday 16 October 10.30 - 11.45 Stay n Play
  4.30 - 6.30 Reception to Junior 5 Pastoral Parents Evening (online)
  4.30 - 6.30 Junior 6 Academic Parents Evening (online)
Thursday 17 October    
 Friday 18 October 8.40 - 9.30 Key Stage 1 Celebration Assembly
  All Day Key Stage 2 House Sleeping Bee and Music Competition
Monday 21 October All Day Half Term Begins



Foundation News: Princethorpe College Admissions - Pathway to Princethorpe Podcast

Princethorpe College Admissions have a new podcast, Pathway to Princethorpe. The series covers all you need to know about the process of applying for Princethorpe College. The podcast episodes include all manner of topics, from important dates and deadlines, the process for applying for scholarships, bursaries, the co-curricular programme on offer and the academic curriculum.

It is designed to inform parents of what the College has to offer and what sets it aside. The Admissions Team, consisting of Catherine Rogers, the Registrar and Georgia Newborough, the Assistant Registrar, discuss all you need to know on your journey through the admissions process. In certain episodes they are joined by key staff who share their field of expertise with you, getting a great insight into the process, allaying any concerns parents may have.

Launched at the beginning of the summer holidays, there are now eight informative episodes in the series which can be found on Spotify, YouTube and Amazon Music. More will be released over the coming weeks as we approach Entrance Exams in November.

Comments, Registrar, Catherine Rogers, "We hope that these bite-sized episodes, which cover many areas that we get asked about frequently, will allow parents to listen and gather essential information at their convenience, whether commuting, relaxing, or enjoying a cup of tea."

Click here to access the Pathway to Princethorpe podcast series.

Pupil Captains Announced For 2024-2025

In their final year at Crackley Hall, Junior 6 take on leadership responsibilities to support the school. This morning, in Celebration Assembly, Mr Duigan had the pleasure of introducing the new Captains, Stewards and Prefects for the 2024-2025 academic year, and of presenting pupils with their badges of office.

As well as the Heads, Deputies, House, Subject and Sports Captains, there are also the Student Council and Form Prefects who work with and represent pupils across the school. Every pupil in Junior 6 takes on a role either as a Captain, Steward or Prefect and together they support the running of the school. Mr Duigan spoke about the importance of their responsibilities and encouraged pupils to rise to the challenge of their new roles as excellent leaders and role models for the younger pupils.

We look forward to working with you Junior 6.

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Heritage Open Day

Sunday 8 September 2024 - 2.00pm to 4.00pm

The Foundation's senior school, Princethorpe College will be opening its doors again in partnership with Heritage Open Days to share and celebrate the rich history of the school with the wider community.

Heritage Open Days is England's largest community-led festival of history and culture, involving thousands of local volunteers and organisations. Every year in September it brings people together to celebrate their heritage, community and history. Stories are told, traditions explored, and histories brought to life. It’s the nation's chance to see hidden places and try out new experiences – and it’s all free!

Archivist, Jo Wong, has been busy preparing a display of key items from our diverse catalogue of archive materials ready to share the rich history of the iconic setting with visitors on Sunday 8 September.

Built in 1832, St Mary's Priory was one of the first Catholic buildings in England after the reformation. Come for a tour of the magnificent building and discover its history, including the routes and connections that made it the place it is today.

Guided Tours will be staggered, taking place at 2.00pm, 2.30pm and 3.00pm, with last entry at 3.00pm. All are welcome.

View Gallery

Princethorpe College Open Afternoon And Admissions Events - Reminder

Wednesday 11 September - 6.30pm to 7.30pm

The College's Admissions Team will be holding a Virtual Parents' Q & A session on Wednesday 11 September from 6.30pm to 7.30pm.

The event will be a live streamed Q & A session with Grove du Toit (Headmaster), Michael Spencer (Deputy Head - Academic) and Catherine Rogers (Registrar).

This is a chance for parents interested in Year 7 entry to the College in September 2025 to ask our Admissions Team questions relating to the admissions process and Entrance Examinations Day in an informal forum before the registration deadline of Friday 27 September.

If you would like to attend please click on this link where you will also be able to submit any questions in advance.

Sunday 15 September 2024 - 2.00pm to 5.00pm

Princethorpe will be holding its annual Open Afternoon on Sunday 15 September from 2.00pm to 5.00pm. All are welcome to visit the College and for younger visitors, there will be many fun subject related activities organised by the departments.

The Headmaster will address visitors during the afternoon and refreshments will be available. 

To book your place please click here.

NEW Pathway to Princethorpe - Admissions Podcast

Discover the ins and outs of applying to Princethorpe College in this new informative podcast series. From choosing the right school to preparing for the entrance exams, this podcast aims to help parents navigate the admissions process step by step. This is perfect for parents whose children are looking to join Princethorpe in Year 7 to Year 10. Join Catherine Rogers, Registrar and Georgia Newborough, Assistant Registrar, as they explore Princethorpe, share expert tips, and demystify the journey into independent secondary school.

Each episode is released every Friday on Spotify YouTube and Amazon Music, please click the links below and subscribe so you do not miss an episode.



Amazon Music 


Nursery, Reception and Junior 3 Open Evening

Thursday 26 September 2023 - 6.30pm to 8.00pm

Crackley Hall School and Little Crackers Nursery in Kenilworth, are hosting a dedicated Nursery, Reception and Junior 3 Open Evening on Thursday 26 September from 6.30pm.

This Open Evening is for prospective families wishing to join Little Crackers Nursery or Crackley Hall's Reception or Junior 3 class in September 2025 and beyond. 

It's a perfect opportunity to see the school and talk to key members of staff who will be teaching and supporting your child. 

To book your place please click here

If you can't make the Open Evening but would like to look around the school, you can book a personal tour buy contacting our Registrar, Mrs Jenny Vaughan on 01926 514410 or email admissions@crackleyhall.co.uk and come on a day to suit you.

For more information visit www.crackleyhall.co.uk

Awards and Celebrations

Stars Of The Week

Our Stars of the Week this week are:

Reception A  Jacob
Reception OC  Arabella
J1A  Elliot
J1H  Sophie
J2M  Otto
J2V  Zach 
J3G  Grace
J3W  Matteo
J4A  Mikaela
J4C  Gracie
J5L  Archie
J5S  William 
J6H  Amelie
J6V  Jude

Congratulations to them all!

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Celebration Assembly - Friday, 6 September

We love to celebrate our pupils' talents, so every week in Celebration Assembly, we hear of the children's successes and achievements and we watch performances by some of our pupils.  Here are some photos from this morning.

A huge well done to all!

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Learning In Action

Junior 6

Junior 6 have made a fantastic start to the new term. They have approached all lessons with motivation and enthusiasm, quickly settling into their new routines and classes. What wonderful role models for the rest of the school! Keep up the brilliant work, Junior 6!

View Gallery

Junior 5

Junior 5 have made a fantastic start to the academic year. They have created some wonderful pieces of work over the summer. The children have settled in splendidly to Junior 5. In Music, the children demonstrated their enthusiasm through singing Little Blue in preparation for Young Voices and clapped to the pulse of the music. The children have also shown their enthusiasm in other classes; displaying their mathematic knowledge, literacy skills and much more. The Junior 5 team look forward to teaching and seeing them grow over this year.

View Gallery

Junior 4

Junior 4 have worked hard this week, settling into new routines and new classrooms. All pupils have made such a responsible start to the year, and we are very excited to see what the rest of the year will bring. This week we have done lots of activities that involve collaborating within a group, or with our learning partner, earning ourselves some stars for our Crackley Compass star charts. We were very excited to start our Christmas cards in Art and learn some new words in French, including how to write the date. A very warm welcome to our new pupils, Gracie, Oscar and Mikaela, who we are delighted have joined us and have already started making new friends.

View Gallery

Junior 3

We are all so proud of the smooth transition which our Junior 3 children have made into Key Stage 2. It is such a big step, but they have risen to the challenge. This week we have been learning lots of new systems and we have been talking about how we can become more independent in class. We have also started our Protective Behaviours module which fitted so well with the start of a new school year as we were talking about different emotions. Everyone learnt that various scenarios can result in a variety of emotions and no feeling lasts forever. We also began our new Science topic, looking at the different food groups where we had the opportunity to discover new facts about the food we eat. Well done, Junior 3 what a fabulous start to the new school year!

View Gallery

Junior 2

What a fabulous first week Junior 2 have had! We are so impressed with how they have started the year with enthusiasm and gusto! We have been settling into the new routines of the year group and they’ve shown us what super readers and writers they are. They have been so kind to their friends and have loved spending time with them at breaktimes and lunchtimes. We can’t wait for an amazing year!

View Gallery

Junior 1

Starting Junior 1 is such an exciting and significant milestone for our young fresh faces. We are looking forward to a more structured classroom setting where we will begin to develop foundational skills in writing, reading and maths. Our children are very keen to explore their new environment learning important social skills.

We have had such a wonderful first week and look forward to forming stronger friendships and discovery.

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We have had a very busy first week of school and the Reception staff couldn't be more proud of the way the children have settled into their classes. They have managed the new routines, different faces, exploring the school, lining up, finding the toilets and remembering their hats, water bottles and snacks! They are learning so many things all the time, as well as sharing their beautiful holiday posters, learning the first 4 letters in the phonics scheme and beginning to learn Mandarin. We look forward to seeing you next Monday, where we will be able to share finalised timetables and give you the opportunity to ask us any questions.

Forest School will start next Tuesday so the children will need their named all-in-one waterproof suits and wellies - in a carrier bag. Thank you.

View Gallery


Weekly Mission

Please click on the link below for this week's Weekly Mission:

Weekly Mission

Little Crackers

A Week In Nursery

What a lovely week we have shared together in Nursery.

The children have been gently finding their feet as they become accustomed to our new routines and expectations. Our Little Crackers have been utterly delightful!

Badgers and Hedgehogs have been introduced to a daily circle time (Talk to Teddy), listening carefully to each other and taking turns to speak. We have chatted about such things as our favourite foods, our night-time snuggle toys, and what we like doing at home.

They are learning to work in pairs and to leave a work-station ready for the next friend, once they have accessed it.

We have also been reminding children how to keep themselves safe by washing hands carefully and we have practised moving around school in a quiet line, holding a partner’s hand.

Dormice have welcomed a number of new children who have also been settling in happily and exploring their new environment, both inside and out.

View Gallery

Nursery Christmas Closure Dates

It may seem like a long time off, but it comes around quickly! Please see below for the Christmas closure dates:

  • Term time only children - term ends Wednesday 18 December and returns Tuesday 7 January
  • All year round children - nursery will close at 2pm on Tuesday 24 December and returns Thursday 2 January

Please let me know in advance if your child will not be attending at any point during the Christmas holidays. Also, we unfortunately do not have capacity for any additional sessions during the Christmas break.

Many thanks

Little Crackers


Nursery Timetable - Specialist Activities

Please see below for information on the specialist activities this term:


French – Badgers

Rugby Tots


PE - All


Forest School - Badgers and Hedgehogs


Music - All

RE - Badgers

PE - Badgers and Hedgehogs

Please note, Maths and Phonics run fluidly throughout each day and will be taught in small groups. 

Forest School will also be added for Dormice later this term.

Stay 'n' Play Celebrates 20 Years!

We are busy planning for a special 20th Anniversary party for Stay 'n' Play, which will take place on Wednesday 18 September, from 10.30am to 11.45am.

We would be thrilled to see some familiar faces there - if you ever attended Stay 'n' Play, or your child attended with a grandparent or childminder, please let us know as we would love for you to come along.

Please let Jenny Vaughan know in advance, by emailing jennyvaughan@crackleyhall.co.uk, as we will be providing refreshments and cake!


Lost Property

Please ensure that everything your child brings to school is clearly labelled.  This especially includes uniform and sports kit. Excellent personalised labels may be purchased from easy2name.com or ablelabels.co.uk. We ask for support from parents to ensure that their children take full responsibility for looking after their property carefully.

We discourage pupils from bringing valuable items into school.

Lost property will be displayed outside The Gables on a Friday for collecting.  At the end of each half term, any unclaimed items will be donated to charity or the PTA.

Medical Reminders

Individual Health and Medical Information

Further to the email that was sent out regarding your child's health notes on ISAMS, please do remember to check this for accuracy and update the School Office accordingly.

Diarrhoea and Vomiting 

Children must stay off school for 48 hours after the last instance of diarrhoea or vomiting.

Short-Term Medicines 

In general, most short-term medicines, e.g. antibiotics, cough medicine, seasonal hay fever medication etc should be managed so that it is not necessary for the medicines to come into school.

If this is not possible, the medication should be brought to the School Office by yourself, not your child, in it's original packaging, clearly named with your child’s name and class, and with a completed Administration of Medication Form. 

Long-Term Medicines

If your child suffers with a chronic medical condition and has been prescribed medication to take whilst at school, the medication should be brought to the School Office by yourself, not your child, in it’s original packaging, clearly named with your child’s name and class, and with a completed Administration of Medication Form. 

Further documentation may need to be completed, e.g. Inhaler Consent Form, Care Plan etc. Please discuss this with the School Office.

Administration of Medication Form

Individual Care Plan

Inhaler Consent Form

Asthma Individual HealthCare Plan


Road Works - HS2 - Kenilworth Road

HS2 has shared information about the forthcoming closure of the A429 Kenilworth Road from Monday 2 September to Sunday 29 September. Please ensure you allow plenty of time for the journey to school.

Monday 16 September to Friday 27 September

  • Stop-go boards will be operated as required during off peak hours between 9.30am to 3.30pm Monday to Friday only. We will be undertaking further surveys and verge maintenance.

Monday 30 September to Friday 25 October

  • A 24/7 full road closure of A429 Kenilworth Road will be in place for four weeks. A fully signposted diversion will be in place.

More information is available here: HS2 Poster

Uniform And Appearance

Uniform - General

As previously communicated, from September the current boys and girls uniform has been replaced with two uniform options, simply named 'Uniform Option 1' and 'Uniform Option 2'. The two lists will contain the same uniform items as they currently do. Children and families will then choose which of the two options is right for them.

These changes will bring us in line with the other schools in the Foundation, as well as many other schools around the country who have adopted a similar approach.

One possible outcome of this change, is that girls may wear trousers rather than the skirt or pinafore.

With this in mind, please see below for some additional information.

Uniform Requirements 2024-2025

Uniform - Junior 5 and 6

Junior 5 and 6 pupils have the option of wearing the tartan skirt and white revere collar blouse in the first half of Michaelmas Term and in Trinity Term (Uniform Option 2). If wearing the skirt, it must be with the revere collar blouse and no tie, and black school socks. Junior 5 pupils can still opt to wear the Summer dress, with white school socks, in these terms if they choose to. If they choose Uniform Option 1, they wear black trousers or knee length black school shorts (NOT cargo style) with a standard white shirt and tie, and black school socks.

For the second half of Michaelmas and the Lent Term, pupils in Junior 5 can choose to wear the tartan skirt or black school trousers, with the standard white shirt with school tie, and black school socks or tights. Pupils in Junior 6 can wear the tartan skirt or black school trousers, with the standard white shirt with school tie, and black school socks or tights.


Hairstyles and colours must be suitable for school and natural in colour. All long hair must be tied back using suitable hair accessories in burgundy or black. Hair accessories can be purchased from the Uniform Shop and the School Office.

Make Up and Nail Varnish

Make up and nail varnish must not be worn.

Earrings and Jewellery

Earrings and jewellery must not be worn.

Foundation Uniform Shop

The Foundation Uniform Shop is open from 3:30pm to 4:30pm, Monday to Wednesday during term time, and by appointment only during the school holidays.

Please call directly on 01926 634272 to make an appointment or alternatively email uniform@princethorpe.co.uk

Online Uniform Ordering Form

Please see the new electronic uniform ordering system.

This link will be in the weekly Chronicle for your ease and convenience. 

New Uniform Order







School Contact Information And Links

Crackley Hall School Office
01926 514 444
Email: post@crackleyhall.co.uk
Postal address: St Joseph's Park, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 2FT

Office Manager/Headmaster’s Personal Assistant - Marie Holt
01926 514 444
Email: receptionist@crackleyhall.co.uk

Little Crackers Nursery; Nursery Manager - Emma Birch
01926 514 456 - Email: post@littlecrackers.co.uk

After Care - David Johnson, Aftercare Manager
Collection contact no: 07543 164 779

Bills, Fees and Online Payment
01926 634 273
Email: georginamalin@princethorpe.co.uk

Registrar - Jenny Vaughan
01926 514 410
Email: admissions@crackleyhall.co.uk 
Princethorpe College General Office
01926 634 200
Email: post@princethorpe.co.uk
website: www.crackleyhall.co.uk
X: @CrackleyHallSch  
facebook: @crackleyhallandlittlecrackersofficial