Little Crackers

In Nursery This Week

Dormice have been getting creative this week, using different materials to do some big and small mark making! They were amazing at using controllled skills to create their own patterns.

Badgers and Hedgehogs have been on a swashbuckling Pirate Adventure. The children made a pirate Captain’s hat; they sailed over the briny sea in a vast pirate ship made of blocks and crates; they kept a lookout for ships to plunder using their paper telescopes; and they went on a hunt for buried treasure.

They practised speaking like a pirate, using phrases such as ‘yo,ho,ho’ and ‘heave-ho me hearties’ and they filled their pirate lungs with salty air to blast out the topical sea shanties.

Everyone wanted Charlotte to tease their hair into pirate plaits to add that special finishing touch to the dressing-up outfits.

The children thoroughly enjoyed baking ships biscuits but have had to resist the temptation to munch the whole barrelful, since we have prepared some as a treat for daddies.

It was a pleasure to welcome mums and dads into Nursery for Sport’s Day on Thursday, which was the first of three seasonal celebrations this half term. I’m sure you’ll agree that the morning was tremendous fun!

During RE, we shared the story of Jesus’s first miracle at the Wedding of Cana, and during Music, there was lots of noisy drum practice.

Don't forget to forward a photo for our Father’s Day event on Thursday 20 June – well done to Alpha for being the first to remember to ask his Dad.

Graduation, for Preschoolers (Badgers) only, is scheduled for Wednesday 26 June, and wraps up our summer events.

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