Learning In Action

Junior 6

This week, Junior 6 spent a fantastic day at the Spa Centre rehearsing for their summer production – A Hint of Snow White. The children took to the stage like true professionals and impressed us with their confidence as well as their ability to work collaboratively as a team. Well done Junior 6, all your hard work is evident and we can’t wait for next week!

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Junior 5

This week, Junior 5 have written creative pieces of writing. The children had a choice of two tasks: to imagine themselves as an animal (that they admire) and create a piece of writing about what a day might look like from that animal’s perspective, or to continue a story called The Secret Heart, which we used for a comprehension last week.  There were so many different animals – we had birds, cats, dogs, horses, foxes, snakes, guinea pigs and even a monkey. The children were also tasked with using interesting details to show how their animal might look at life and to incorporate DADWAVERS!

Here are some examples of the children's writing:

Description: ‘bright orange fur shining in the iridescent moonlight’

Adverb Start: ‘Sleepily, I stretched out my furry arms.’ Fox

Estimation of time: ‘Later that day when I had just swallowed my water, I heard the hunter and my heart stopped. I was terrified.’

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Junior 4

This week, Junior 4 embarked on an engineering adventure. Their task was to construct, design and build towers using simple materials such as paper, newspaper, and masking tape. The challenge was to see who could build the tallest tower that could stand independently and be structurally sound enough to stay standing during our earthquake test. This hands-on activity not only fostered creativity and problem-solving skills, but also instilled a deeper appreciation for the principles of structural engineering. Well done, Junior 4!




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Junior 3

This week, Junior 3 have become masters at telling the time. We have had great fun learning to read the time to the minute on both analogue and digital clocks. Everyone loved reading the clocks in our digital journals and then recording ourselves saying the time accurately and clearly. We have also played lots of time games, including matching digital times to the corresponding clock faces, and even learning about Roman numerals. If you happen to pass us around school and need help with telling the time, please be sure to ask us; we’d be happy to help. Unfortunately, we haven’t yet found a way to add a few extra hours to each day, which would be very helpful to our teachers at this busy time of year. Maybe next week…!

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Junior 2

Junior 2 buzzed with excitement on Wednesday as they gathered in the field ready for the KS1 Sports Day. Faces beamed with enthusiasm as they took part in a variety of events, whilst cheers and encouragement rang out from the pupils, staff and parents alike. Junior 2 embraced the friendly competition, celebrating each other’s achievements with high fives and fist bumps to make this day a memorable experienced for all. Well done, Junior 2 for being such good sports!


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Junior 1

Junior 1 have been hard at work in class this week, especially during our English lessons. The emphasis has been on verbs where the children have been looking at the root word before adding 'ing' or 'ed' endings. Everyone was interested to see how some words may change before the endings are applied. Our Art lessons have been all about the daddy in our lives! We don't want to spoil the revelation, but rest assured you are in for a lovely surprise on Sunday. As well as our work in class, our rehearsals for the school production are well under way and we are lucky enough to hear the wonderful singing come into our classroom from the hall each day. We really can't wait for next week.

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What a week Reception have had! On Tuesday they made the school proud as they went on their adventure to the National Space Centre in Leicester. The children looked into space using the giant telescope, drove the Mars explorer and went inside the real rocket! Then on Wednesday they took part in their first ever Sports Day. They tried their best with every activity whilst having a great time and earning house points for their houses! Well done, Reception.

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