
Nursery Sports Day Was So Much Fun

Our Little Crackers had a fabulous time on Thursday 13 June at their Nursery Sports Day. The crowds gathered early on, creating a buzz of excitement as our lovely Little Crackers nursery pupils headed out excitedly for one of their biggest events of the year.

Nursery Sports Day took place on the Astro, with the children competing in teams. Although our Nursery children don’t officially have houses this year, just like in the main school, the children had been grouped into blue, yellow, red and green teams.

Everyone lined up eagerly to take the turn on the course. The determination and concentration on their little faces was amazing to see as they took on the challenges of collecting the coloured balls or handing the baton on in the relay race.

Mr Vaughan had worked hard in the children’s PE sessions to get everyone ready to race and they all enjoyed taking turns to run up and down.

A great morning was had by all. A special thank you to our Nursery Team and Mr Vaughan for organising all the fun and to the weather for staying dry.

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Reception And Key Stage 1 Enjoyed A Fabulous Sports Day

We held our much-anticipated Key Stage 1 Sports Day on Wednesday 12 June and the children all enjoyed a super morning out on the sports field.

Crackley’s sports stars of the future jumped, sprinted and threw their way through a jam-packed morning of sporting fun, enthusiastically taking on the carousel of different activities. Proudly wearing their House colours and with big, enormous smiles, the children clearly had a super time.

It was lovely to see so many parents cheering their youngsters on. Many thanks to Junior 6 for organising all the activities this year and a huge well done to everyone who took part.

The results were announced in the House meetings yesterday. 1st Mars with 214 points, 2nd Jupiter with 206 points, 3rd Venus with 200 points and 4th Saturn.

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Good Luck To Isaac

This weekend, Isaac will represent Warwickshire County in the U11 Boys Tennis County Cup Qualifiers. He and his team will spend two days playing against five other counties to try and secure a place in the National Finals next month. They have a particularly challenging draw, but have worked and trained very hard and will give it their best shot.

We wish you luck, Isaac!