
Monday Mission Assembly

Mrs Glen-Roots led the Monday Mission assembly and explained the meaning of the gospels, which is a record of Jesus' life and teaching in the first four books of the New Testament. Within the Gospel of John, it is recorded that just after the Last Supper, Jesus was asking God to protect His friends - the disciples. This led to the question of how we can live in unity with Jesus and God. We can do this by trusting, focussing and praying to Jesus to help us remain in His love. In return, Jesus will pray for us and He will ask God to protect us and to make us holy so we can be close to God forever.  Mrs Glen-Roots revealed that Jesus' love never runs out and that His love is like a sandtimer which you can keep turning over again and again.

Mrs Glen-Roots then demonstrated how God's love can grow. Pupils and staff who had shown love and care to Mrs Glen-Roots during the morning were called upon, as Mrs Glen-Roots tore a piece of paper off a rectangle in each corner, to give to each of them. The school then counted how each corner of the rectangle had grown from four to eight. This showed each of us that the more we show love, the more there is to give.

Mrs Glen-Roots finished the assembly by asking us to think about the messages in John Chapter 17: 11-19; of how we can all share God's love with others, and how we can try to live like Jesus... and to also remember the rectangle!


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Junior 2 Learn About Pentecost

Junior 2 have been learning all about Pentecost this week in RE and how Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to the disciples 50 days after Easter. We talked about how the disciples felt when they heard and felt the mysterious wind and the flickering flames. We also talked about how the Holy Spirit changed the disciples, and the seven gifts which He gave to the disciples, before each of us made a dove to represent the Holy Spirit.

Weekly Mission

Please click on the link below for this week's Weekly Mission:

Weekly Mission

Children's Liturgy

Please find information below:

Children's Liturgy

Pentecost (Year B)
The disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit and this gave them the courage to go out and tell everyone about Jesus.

Activity Sheet 





St Francis Church Music Group

The St Francis Church Music Group is looking for new members, to play with them at the 10.30am Sunday mass. They play twice a month (on the first and third Sundays) meeting at 9.45am for a practice before mass. All instruments welcome - we would suggest a minimum standard of Grade 2. It is a great opportunity to build confidence playing with a group.

If you would like to find out more please contact Lisa Macdougall on musicgroup@kenilworthcatholic.org.uk or telephone 07740 796836.