Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents 
This week seems to have flown by! I have been most impressed with the level of interest and activity in the classrooms and around school. There is so much on the go at the moment. Besides the hard work and efforts in the classroom, we have pupils preparing for First Holy Communion, for the summer production, taking LAMDA exams and playing sports fixtures. Added to that has been the extra business in preparation for tomorrow’s Summer Fayre. 
The Junior 3’s enjoyed a most fulfilling and fun-filled day on Tuesday as the whole year group joined the First Holy Communicants in a retreat day of reflection. Thank you to Mrs Forino for arranging this. 
We hosted the ISA Midlands 6-a-side hardball cricket competition on Wednesday. We were blessed with lovely weather and there was a good turnout of very strong teams. Crackley won their group and advanced to the final where they played Derby Grammar School. Derby scored 84/1 in their innings, with Crackley Hall doing extremely well to get to 60/0 in their allotted 5 overs. We did extremely well to earn the silver medals. Archie was chosen as player of the tournament and is to be congratulated, along with Vaughan, Eleanor, Ben, Isaac and Soren. I would like to thank all the staff who helped to run the day, including Mrs Edkins and Mrs Townsend, Mr Luis and Mr Hunt, along with our games staff and the sports staff and sixth-formers from Princethorpe College. 
Well done to J1H for selling the most tickets per pupil and, thereby, being rewarded with a class party at school next Friday, courtesy of the PTA.  I hope to see many pupils, families and staff at tomorrow’s summer fayre. The PTA team, under the guidance of convenor, Sara Higginbotham, have been so busy in recent weeks, culminating in the school being a hive of activity in and around the hall today. The parents and grandparents are hard at work as I write this piece and I should like to record my sincere thanks to them all for their wonderful efforts and generosity of time. Please do come over for a burger or a sausage, where I will be bbq’ing, with three experts advising and leading the way. 
Congratulations to this week's Stars of the Week who are: Nursery – Niko and Michael; Reception – Rosie and Henry; J1 – Sebastian and Ryan; J2 – Grace and Basile; J3 – William and Xanthe; J4 – Sara and Joshua; J5 – Evie and Charlotte; J6 – Harry and Isla. Well done to all the pupils who received their bronze or silver awards this week. I thought that Evie and Teo were both excellent when they sang at assembly this morning. Well done and thank you to both of them. 
I hope that the lovely weather holds for tomorrow and that you are able to join in the ‘fun of the fayre’. To those who are not able to join us, I also hope that you are able to spend a happy and restful weekend with families and loved ones. 
God bless, 

Robert Duigan







Quote Of The Week

"The fact that you worry about being a good teacher, means that you already are one." - Jodi Picoult.