
Lego Club

What does a Stegosaurus, a Tyrannosaurus rex and a Triceratops all have in common?  They are all the latest mighty members of Lego Club, of course! This week our imaginations ran wild as we brought the thrills of the prehistoric age back to life and invented some new species too. The topic of dinosaurs has long captured the imaginations of all of us and, with this in mind, we imagined if the dinosaurs still roamed the earth today, how could we live alongside them?  Some of us said we would try to make friends and maybe teach them how to swim, perhaps with Lego quadrupeds armbands – what a great idea! We also discussed why we don’t see animals this size today. Would we feel safe if dinosaurs were still alive and which species of animal are they related to? Very interesting questions and discussions which inspired us even more to discover the thrills of our prehistoric giants.  Here’s a question to think about - What do you call a dinosaur with a Lego body? A Lego-saurus! See you at the Summer Fayre's Lego Competition on Saturday everyone!

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