Learning In Action

Junior 6

This week, Junior 6 were organising and preparing to lead the KS1 Sports Day. The children were hard at work, getting themselves into groups and learning the various events so that they could demonstrate and adjudicate for the younger children. It was a great opportunity for the children to bolster their confidence and work on their leadership and teamwork skills, which will be so useful for the greatly anticipated residential trip to Scotland and their future development. Keep up the great work Junior 6!

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Junior 5

In Geography this week, Junior 5W were starting their Mapping topic. We were fascinated with the globes and used them to find out the location of countries by imagining we were moles burying down through the earth and estimating where we’d end up on the other side! We then recorded these discoveries on a flat map of the world. It was so interesting to notice the differences between looking at our world as a 3D sphere, and as a 2D map. What a fantastic start to our new topic!

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Junior 4

After nurturing their sunflowers from seeds into young plants in the classroom, Junior 4 finally took them outside and prepared to plant them, hoping they would flourish in the improved weather. All the children prepared a hole, added some compost and gently eased their sunflower out of its pot and into the ground. Much like all of the children, the sunflowers will now continue to grow and blossom into amazing living organisms! We just need to make sure that they are well watered and that we keep our fingers crossed for their favourite type of food – sunshine!

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Junior 3

Junior 3H have had enormous fun this week finding out all about ‘newspaper reporting’ and ‘journalism’. Who knew that a children’s newspaper, First News! would be so inspiring to the pupils? There was great excitement on Tuesday as copies of this super resource were distributed around the classroom. Children felt quite grown-up as they scoured the editorials and articles for the best piece of news…..which turned out to be something on Minecraft! Pupils have loved finding all the features of a report and are busy challenging themselves to spot different parts in our Cretan Chronicle. It would seem that Mrs Minotaur from Labyrinth Road aged 41, gave her quote to the reporter in a broad Yorkshire accent (thank you Beatrice!)

In other areas, we are finding Money in Maths very interesting. Who knew that a bank card actually took money from your own account which you have earned and that a pint of milk wasn’t £17! Joking aside, the pupils have worked so hard on getting to grips with coin and note converting and adding amounts or giving change. Lots of practise required please mums and dads. Have a great weekend all.

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Junior 2

What a fantastic day the children in KS1 had during our sports day. The weather was beautiful and every child joined in with enthusiasm and enjoyment. During Maths we have been learning all about different ways to add two digit numbers. Whilst it was tricky at first, we managed to learn a very useful skill. Science this week has been great fun too as we have been learning all about how plants grow and what they need to become healthy and strong.

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Junior 1

Junior 1 have been learning about money this week in their Maths lessons and the classrooms have been awash with coins of all denominations. It has been fascinating to see the children handling the coins, looking closely at the pictures of lions or the queen and finding the numbers on the coins. The children were amazed to see how a bigger coin was worth less than a smaller coin when comparing a 2p and 5p or 20p coin. Junior 1 staff were interested to see how the children weren’t used to handling coins as technology moves us towards online shopping and ‘tap and go’ machines in shops. Our Science lesson was also very hands on this week when we went outside to find as many minibeasts as we could. How excited we all were when we found centipedes and millipedes in the outdoor classroom after learning about them in class!

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This week, Reception went to the Sea Life Centre in Birmingham. They had a fantastic day trying to find all the answers to questions they had thought of last week. They learnt so many interesting facts about creatures that live in the sea. They were amazed by all the different colours, patterns, shapes and sizes of the animals. This then inspired some lovely under the sea artwork and writing on their return to school.

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