Headmaster's Message

Quote Of The Week

‘The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.’ William Arthur Ward


Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents,

I hope this message finds you well. I'm glad that we've had some sunny weather this week and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it continues, especially for the upcoming cricket events, particularly the one that we are hosting next week. 
I write this message whilst at the ISA Head Teachers’ conference. This is an important event for Heads from the independent sector to come together, exchange ideas, be brought up to speed with the many new developments in education and to share best practices. However, I do miss being in school. My thanks are extended to Mr Cottrill and all the staff for their efforts in my absence. 
I was delighted to hear that the Reception classes had a wonderful trip to Sea Life Centre on Tuesday. The centre offers incredible views, including special viewing tunnels in Penguin Point. I look forward to seeing all the drawings from the children. 
On Thursday, our Key Stage 1 sports day took place (the first one that I have missed), and we were fortunate to have lovely, dry and warm weather, allowing the children to participate in their races. I want to express my appreciation to Mrs Vaughan for organizing the schedule and to all the staff who assisted on the day. I hear that the Junior 6 pupils were incredibly helpful, and we received wonderful support from families. Let us hope the sun continues to shine for our Key Stage 2 sports day. 
I want to take a moment to express my gratitude to everyone who is involved in the Colour Run, whether you were participating, supporting, or helping with the arrangements. The tireless energy of our wonderful PTA is truly admirable, and I encourage parents to become involved whenever possible. I am sorry that I am unable to attend. 
Next week will be a busy one, and I wanted to remind you that there will be summer sports teams’ photographs and the whole school photo. You can find more information about the photos in this week’s Chronicle. 
I want to extend my gratitude to Mr Cottrill for hosting today’s assembly. This week’s stars of the week are: Mollie-Mae in Nursery, Teddy RA, Anas RM, Royce J1H, Sam J1G, Ashleigh J2, Alexander J3H, Thea J3V, Josh J4R, Ain J4S, Darcey J5L, Adreena J5W, Chloe J6H, Jia J6H, Olivia J6V. Birthday wishes to Olivia E J2H, May F-K J1G, Sherry G J1M, Rayane B J6V, Josephine-Jean S J5W, Arish S J6H. 
I received some sad news this week. A former Crackley Hall staff member, Breeda Higgins, who was much-loved by many, has sadly passed away. Breeda will be remembered fondly by several of our longer-serving colleagues. She has attended some of our past pupil and staff events when she was able. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family during this difficult time as we pray for the repose of her soul. 
The holiday club has informed us that there are increasingly limited places available. Ms Osborn has arranged an action-packed week to keep all the children entertained. If you are interested, please email holidayclub@crackleyhall.co.uk 
Please may I remind parents that if you are attending assembly on a Friday, you should park on the field to ease congestion at morning drop-off time around the bottom car park.   
It was fantastic to see that Coventry City have reached the play-off final. Best wishes to them when they take to the Wembley pitch against Luton Town. I would like to wish you all a restful weekend with your families. 

God Bless,

Rob Duigan