
Monday Mission Assembly

During the Monday Mission Assembly, Mr Duigan and Mrs Jackson-Mayne congratulated once more the recent First Holy Communion children. They both commented on how proud they were of the ten children and of everyone in the church last Friday - the readers, the Chamber Choir and the response to the prayers and how much faith was felt everywhere in the church on this special day.

Mr Duigan reminded the school about Ascension Thursday which was celebrated this week. Mr Duigan explained that the Ascension is the 40th day after Easter when Jesus visited His disciples for the last time before He went up to heaven. Jesus gave His disciples an instruction, similar to our lives which are full of instructions, from being guided on how to drive a car, to learning how to play a particular sport, and linked this to the disciples being instructed by Jesus to go out to the nations and spead the word of Jesus. Jesus promised He would never leave His disciples and He sent the Holy Spirit to be in all of our hearts and minds to guide us. Real friends will help us too as the Holy Spirit is working through everyone. Living out the Ten Commandments by being kind to each other will also help us to recognise the Holy Spirit working within us all.



Reception Learn About A Miracle

This week, Reception learnt all about what a Miracle is as they were introduced to the Miracle of Jesus Feeding the 5,000. They recognised that this Miracle demonstrated just how much Jesus loved everyone and how He wanted to share His love with so many people. The children also realised how Jesus can take something small and turn it into something big. We role-played the event as Jesus and His disciples, and we remembered lots of the disciples' names from Mrs Jackson-Mayne's Ascension Assembly earlier in the day. The children even pointed out that the leftover scraps at the end was a message that Jesus wanted to spread His love to lots of other people too! 


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Junior 3 Crown Mary

This week Junior 3 pupils celebrated the life of Our Lady by making rosary bracelets. Small groups of children each had a turn at crowning the statue of Mary and joined in the Hail Mary together. Mrs Simmonds made little fairy cakes to celebrate this special month of May. It was lovely to hear the children join in the decade of the rosary outside in the garden, as we prayed for our special intentions.

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Weekly Mission

Please click on the link below for this week's Weekly Mission:

Weekly Mission


Children's Liturgy

Please find information below:

Children's Liturgy

Jesus prays for His friends and for us, that we all might be one, united in love. We reflect on how we can come together with others to change the world.

Activity Sheet