Headmaster's Message

Quote Of The Week

“The whole purpose of education is to change mirrors into windows.”

Sydney J Harris

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear parents

Welcome to the last Chronicle of this half term.  Unfortunately, I've not been able to be in school this week due to contracting COVID.  Although I have not been able to attend school physically, staff have kept me updated on school events.  Earlier this week you will have been sent a link to school questionnaire and I appreciate that this will take some of your valuable time to complete but your responses are valued and each comment will be read by myself and shared with Leadership Team at Crackley Hall as we look to continually enhance provision at the School. As mentioned, this will help us focus on areas which need improvement and consolidate those areas which are current strengths.   

LAMDA exams took place this week and I am very grateful to Mrs Paphitis who was able to step in and oversee these examinations in the absence of Mrs Wildey who has also been absent from school due to illness.  I am sure that all the children prepared hard at home as well as in school in order take their exam at peak performance and I look forward to seeing the results in due course. 

Mrs Simmonds has been very busy in school this week organising the Skipathon and collecting sponsorship from pupils.  Last year £5,000 was raised for Mary’s Meals and this year I have been told that so far over £4,000 has been collected.  We will be splitting the total amount raised between Mary’s Meals and the British Red Cross Disasters Emergency Committee.  There is still time to hand in your sponsorship as the donations will not be banked until the start of next half term. Many thanks to Mrs Simmonds and the staff. 

The Reception classes visited Attwell Farm Park on Wednesday and this is always a popular visit for staff and the children as they enjoy a hands-on experience with the animals on the farm.  Thank you to Mrs Allen and Mrs Malcolm for arranging this visit and to the Reception staff for assisting.  On Thursday Junior 1 travelled to the transport museum to explore the various modes of transport through the ages.  This is an annual trip for Junior 1 and I am grateful to Mrs Hardwick for organising the visit and the staff for accompanying the pupils. 

In celebration assembly today Mrs Glen-Roots awarded our Stars of the Week to:  Milo, Charlotte, Clement, Ella, Ciara, Harriet, William, Sophie, Daiya, Anthony, Elsie, Phoebe, Georgie and Isabella.  Music was performed by our Key Stage 2 violin ensemble – I believe that it was a super performance. Well done to all of them.  Mrs Glen-Roots also presented a goodbye gift to Mrs Taylor who will be leaving us soon after almost 7 years as my outstanding PA and Office Manager.  Mrs Taylor has been working with Mrs Davis-Harris providing a hand over and I am sure you will join me in wishing Mrs Taylor good luck for the future whilst warmly welcoming Mrs Davis-Harris to Crackley Hall. 

Holiday club will be taking place each day next week and will be open from 8.00am until 6.00pm.  If you need to check or re-arrange your booking, please contact Miss Osborn by e-mail holidayclub@crackleyhall.co.uk   

When we return after half term will be straight into to celebrating One World Week which has been organised by Mrs Jackson-Mayne.  There will be a week of outings and activities where children will learn about different faiths from across the world.  There will also be the annual World Book Day on Friday 3 March which is an opportunity for pupils (and staff) to dress up as their favourite book character.  This is always a great opportunity to use imagination and the range of costumes seem to improve year on year.   Parent consultation evenings will also take place after half term on 8 and 9 March and will provide an opportunity to discuss the mid term reports which will be issued to parents by 27 February.

I hope you have a relaxing half term and look forward to see you all again on 27 February. 

God bless,


Rob Duigan