
Stars Of The Week

Our Stars of the Week this week are:

Nursery  Milo
Reception A  Charlotte
Reception M  Clement
J1H  Ella
J1G  Ciara
J2B  Harriet
J3H  William
J3V  Sophie
J4S  Daiya
J4R  Anthony
J5W  Elsie
J5L  Phoebe
J6V  Georgie
J6H  Isabella

Congratulations to them all!

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Crackley Hall’s Students Skip For Mary’s Meals

On Monday and Tuesday this week, Crackley Hall’s pupils took it in turn to hop, skip or jump in a charity skipathon, an annual fund-raising event organised by Crackley’s Minnie Vinnies.

Mini Vinnies’ Co-ordinator, Mrs Dolores Simmonds explains, “This year the children have been skipping to support Mary’s Meals, a charity that provides daily meals in a place of learning, addressing both the immediate needs of hungry children whilst encouraging them to go to school where they can gain an education that can help them out of poverty.”

The children at Crackley Hall pledged to raise as much money as possible for the charity and have been collecting sponsors over the last few weeks. In the skipathon they took it in turns, to skip, hop or jump for one minute each. Supervised by Mrs Simmonds, wave after wave of eager skippers bounced and jumped across the hall or outside on the grass.

Well done to all the skippers who took part and a big thank you to those who have generously donated to the skipathon. Pledges are still coming in and we'll keep you updated as to the final amount raised. Please do send in any outstanding sponsorship money as soon as possible.

Following the recent earthquake disaster in Turkey and Syria, the money raised from the Skipathon will be shared between Mary’s Meals projects and the earthquake disaster appeal.

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Mars Wins House Sing Off

For their latest inter House competition, on Tuesday monring in the school hall,  Mr Vaughan challenged the school houses to a sing-off. Recreating our very own mini Young Voices experience, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Mars took it in turn to perform Bob Marley’s popular classic, Three Little Birds. Led by the House Captains the children did not disappoint, with spirited renditions of this happy song.

We posted a clip on social media but if you missed it you can watch it here.  

A super huge well done to everyone involved and congratulations to all. The results were 1st Mars, 2nd Jupiter, 3rd Venus and 4th Saturn.


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Princethorpe College Junior 5 Crackley Hall Taster Day and Parents’ Information Session

As the Princethorpe Admissions Cycle for 2024 entry begins, the whole of Junior 5 are warmly invited to a taste of senior school life at Princethorpe College on Thursday 27 April 2023. The dedicated taster day will begin at 9.30am with the children transported to the College by minibus from Crackley Hall. Pupils will experience a variety of classroom sessions, a tour of the school and a question and answers session with current pupils. Break and lunch will be provided and there is no charge for the day.

At the end of the afternoon, parents are invited to a Parents’ Information Session. The session will commence at 4.30pm, finish at approximately 5.15pm and light refreshments will be served. Grove du Toit, Princethorpe’s new Headmaster, along with other key members of staff, will be on hand to talk to you about the College, its ethos and vision and to outline the admissions process. Children will also have the opportunity to trial the online CEM test, one of the exams that prospective pupils complete during the Entrance Examinations Day, which will take place on Saturday 11 November 2023 from 9.30am to 3.30pm.

Please click here to access the online booking form for the Year 5 Taster Day. Please complete and submit the form by 5.00pm on Monday 6 March to secure a place for your child.

If you have any further queries please feel free to contact the College’s friendly Admissions Team on 01926 634201/297 or email

Daiya's Super Story Telling

Budding author Daiya has impressed her teachers with her super story telling. For her first foray into creative writing Daiya penned an amazing adventure all about the escapades of Pirate Poe. Not only did Daiya write her own story, she also illustrated it beautifully too. She brought her book into school to show us all. Well done Daiya, we really are very proud of you.

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World Book Day

We will be celebrating World Book Day on Friday 3 March.  Children and staff will be dressing up as their favourite character from a book.  We will be participating in lots of exciting activities on the day. All children will be coming home with a £1 book token, which can be exchanged for a book or used to buy a book for a £1 at various booksellers. 


JDV Half Term Challenge - Computing

Every year in school, we develop our understanding and knowledge about staying safe online. The challenge this half term is to create a piece that could explain to others about how to stay safe and behave appropriately on the internet.

What could I do? 

1.    Make a poster for a display in school.

2.    Write a story that teaches young children about the potential dangers of the Internet.

3.    Create a video news report about being safe online.

4.    Make up a song, rap or a poem based on our internet safety theme.

5.    Create a PowerPoint explaining your top tips.

6.    A creative idea of your own.

Remember to…

Think about the audience of your piece.

J3-J6: Include the SMART rules for being online (Safe, Meeting, Accepting, Reliable, Tell).

Name your work.

Be as creative as you can!

Please bring your work, or send a digital copy to your class teacher by Friday 3 March (at the latest).

Mrs Malcolm and Mrs Cowlishaw look forward to seeing your amazing ideas!

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Maths Optional Junior da Vinci Challenge

Following on from NSPCC Number Day, Mrs Van Zyl would love to see what you can find out about Fibonacci.

Use the task attached for ideas and bring in your discoveries by Friday 4 March, we cannot wait to see your fantastic efforts! 

Optional Maths JdV Challenge