Learning In Action

Junior 6

In Junior 6 this week, the children have been working on their debating skills as they prepare for an inter-school debating tournament. The children were grouped and given a statement that they had to prepare arguments for and against. In their groups they discussed various statements such as:-

Everyone should be vegan.

We shouldn’t have to wear school uniform. 

Homework should be abolished.

No prizes for guessing what they thought of the last one! They were then asked as a group to take part in a proper debate, remembering to always be confident and respectful. All the children took to the task brilliantly and we can’t wait to see how they fair in the upcoming tournament where they will be debating - All packaging should be banned. Keep up the hard work Junior 6!

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Junior 5

Last week, in English, Junior 5 concluded the topic,‘Flanimals’, with a creative story. Moving swiftly on, the children have now begun to explore Kensuke’s Kingdom identifying the precise and ambitious vocabulary used by the author and considering how the book cover and blurb might provide an insight into the story. In Science, the children have made an interesting start to their new topic, ‘Circle Of Life’. They learnt about the inside of a flower and had a productive time dissecting one, to discover its different parts. During RE, Junior 5 have read and understood the key elements of five miracles performed by Jesus, the Son of God. Having completed this, the children were invited to write an account of Jesus Calms The Storm in the first person, whether that be from the perspective of Jesus, the disciples or even the boat. Junior 5 have continued to work incredibly hard and truly deserve their half-term break. Well done J5!

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Junior 4

This week, the children enjoyed learning about the Fibonacci code and they were amazed to see how often it can be seen in nature. To celebrate Number Day, we all created Fibonacci spiral creatures, using the sequence to draw a spiral, which acted as the creature’s tail or trunk! We also drew and labelled the digestive system with a hands-on approach! In addition, both the boys and girls enjoyed playing in a sports fixture, representing the school with pride. We also had great fun in the Skipathon! In the lead up to half-term, all of the children continue to work their socks off and we are all very impressed with their progress. They all deserve a restful and adventurous half-term break.

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Junior 3

Junior 3H have been having a wonderful time in their Art lessons as our Egyptian topic draws to a close. Mrs van Zyl has taken the pupils on a journey through the wonderful golden masks of the Pharaohs creating their own wonderful art pieces which the children have loved making. They have learnt how to lay out a face shape correctly using perspective and white crayon. We think they look amazing! One of our pupils decided to ‘mummify’ his little sister too – enjoy the image of her ‘lying in state’. Junior 3H’s turn this week to mummify tomatoes – so we will have at least one expert in the house!

In other areas of the curriculum, Cornwall is beginning to make it’s mark as we find out all about Mowzer, the Mousehole cat. The pupils have loved creating imagery through words with their descriptive writing using words such as tumultuous, swirling, mighty and persistent. We can’t wait to see their finished writing. Have a great half-term everyone, you deserve a break!

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Junior 2

Mrs Burley, Mrs Thomas, and Mrs Bhogal would like to finish this half-term with a huge WELL DONE! The children should be proud of themselves for the hard work, dedication, and perseverance they have demonstrated throughout the year so far. Their efforts have paid off, and they have gained valuable knowledge and skills and the improvement is evident throughout all the subjects.

We wish you all a restful holiday and we hope children get time to reflect on the accomplishments and the challenges they overcame. Celebrate your successes and learn from your mistakes. Thank you to everyone for supporting along the way. Keep up the good work and continue to strive for excellence in all that you do.

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Junior 1

Wow! What a way to finish the half-term.! A trip to the transport museum, getting a taste of all things English and raising money in the ‘Skip-a-thon’. History this week took the children out of the classroom and off to the amazing Transport Museum. Here they took part in a workshop on bicycles and learnt how they have evolved into the safe, sturdy bikes that we use nowadays. We also had a chance to look around the rest of the museum and it was great to see how big older vehicles were, including a Penny Farthing, which we could try out. In Geography we found out what things are typically English. Of course, we had to sample an English Afternoon Tea with tea and scones, which was a huge hit. Finally, everyone had the chance to participate in the ‘Skip-a-thon’ and raise money for Mary’s Meals, a most worthy cause.

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This week Reception went off on our adventure to the farm! The children were so excited to find out about and meet lots of the animals that we have been learning about in school. They started with meeting a new born lamb, fed donkeys, goats and alpacas, and then took part in a mini-beast workshop. The children were brilliant at asking lots of questions and listening carefully to facts about all of the creatures. We finished off the day with a play on the soft-play area. Well done, Reception, you did us proud!

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