
Stars Of The Week

Our Stars of the Week this week are:

Nursery  Gian Aulakh
Reception   Warwick Mason
J1GR  Isaac Fox 
J1G  Elizabeth Edkins
J2H  Leo Warne 
J2M  Penny Thomas
J3V  Harry Gibson
J3H  Niki Modi 
J4W  Rosa Davis
J4JM  Harry Turvey
J5R  Lucas Navarro 
J5L  Davi Navarro 
J6V  Jared Warrener-Gray
J6H  Jack Mills
J6L  Charlie Wilcox

Saxon Smorgasbord Savoured By Junior 3

Inspirational teaching triggers the senses and motivates the student to find out more. An excellent exponent of the art is Ms. Holmes (J3 Class Teacher and History Coordinator) who never fails to energise her history curriculum with exercises and demonstrations that transport her pupils to the period under scrutiny.

Witness, the smorgasbord of Saxon tasty treats that awaited J3H in their History lesson last Tuesday. Hand picked by Ms. Holmes these foods provided not only the flavour, but the sights and smells of the post-Roman era. A Saxon diet is, we now understand, not unlike the modern equivilent, even if it might look at first sight a little more 'rustic' when served by Ms. Holmes as a Saxon platter.

Now the only question is what will our Junior 3 charges ask for tea tonight?

Welcome New Parents And Carers One And All

Opportunities to meet and greet are welcomed across the Foundation, so it was no surprise that the school hall thronged with folks at the new Parents' Welcome Evening last Monday. A quick 'heads-up' from Mr Duigan made sure everyone was acquainted with the school's Head of Faculties and other important functions such as the PTA prior to the main 'meet and greet' event. Here parents well versed 'in the ropes' exchanged handy hints and helpful tips with others newer to the art.   

Much needed respite at the end of a long day was also provided by our ever industrious Mr. Ian, Crackley's Catering Supremo, in the guise of delicious nibbles, fine wines and crunchy savouries. Events such as these celebrate the school ethos of 'collaboramus' and afford us all a welcome opportunity to catch-up with each other.  

New Student Councillors

Mrs Malcolm held her first Crackley Hall Student Council meeting this week, with a new group of children who are bursting with ideas.

They discussed ways in which they could improve the school and for their next meeting the children are going back to talk to their classes to get ideas on how to make the school healthier.

This year’s Student Councillors are:

Junior 1GR

Amy Carroll and William Verity

Junior 1G

Sienna Lenton and Blythe Camilleri-Willis

Junior 2H

Mitchell Redfern and Isabella Olden

Junior 2M

David Lamprecht and Amelia Turvey

Junior 3H

Grace Johnson and Alexander Ainsworth

Junior 3V

Willow Rochford and George Wilcox

Junior 4JM

Millie Lammas and Samuel Beaman-Henderson

Junior 4W

Jasper Nicholls and Scarlett Hammond

Junior 5L

Lucas Summers and Ajunee Gill

Junior 5R

Annabel Leigh and Henry Fox

Junior 6L

Dylan Williams and Isla Berger

Junior 6V

Alistair Darnell and Martha Harris

Junior 6H

Andrew Gordon and Olivia Swinson


PTA AGM – A New Way To Spell Success

The great and the good from Crackley’s School community came together this week in the guise of Crackley’s PTA at their AGM. This yearly review of activity reports on tasks such as fund raising, spending and future initiatives. Chaired by Mrs. Wasley, new committee members were voted into office. Please note a list of members and their posts is included below.

Mrs Wasley warmly welcomed the new PTA members, whose energy, experience and commitment will be a great addition to the PTAs drive this year.   Everyone is welcome to PTA meetings, the next one takes place in school on Wednesday 21 November at 7.30pm.

List of PTA Officials


Chair - Kara Wasley
Vice Chairs - Wendy Farquharson and Julie Hutton
Treasurer - Gill Blenkinsop
Secretary - Melissa Fox

Newly voted officials for 2018/19
Chair - Lucy Lamb
Vice Chairs - Lois Moulding, Laura Ascroft and Jess Lenton
Treasurer - Marie Holt
Secretary - Melissa Fox

The PTA would like to thank all the outgoing officials for their time and support over the last year and beyond, and welcome the new officials to their posts.

Kind thanks also go to Mr Ian Sansum and Holroyd Howe Catering for the delicious nibbles and soft drinks.

Oliver Wins Warwickshire U12 Golf Finals

On Saturday 8 September Oliver took part in the Warwickshire Under 12 Golf finals at Lea Marston Golf Club.

Having played in his first football game of the season earlier in the day (where his team won 4-0 and he scored), it was a mad dash over to the golf club for his 12.24pm tee-off time.

Oliver had not even had the time to hit a few practise balls before going out, as he'd had to get changed in the back of the car on the way. Not the best preparation for such an important tournament.

However, he was pleasantly surprised to win by six shots.  All the practice has clearly paid off. Well done Oliver.

Foundation News: Countdown To Princethorpe College Entrance Exams Begins

With a little over seven weeks to go, the countdown to Princethorpe's Entrance Exams for admission in September 2019 has begun. This year the exams for Year 7 to 10 entry will take place on Saturday 10 November from 9.30am to 3.30pm.

The College's friendly Admissions Team has been kept busy over the summer accepting registrations from prospective parents.  The deadline for registrations is ideally Friday 5 October, to enable the seeking of references from junior schools. Junior 6 parents wishing their children to sit the exams do need to complete a registration form and submit it with the accompanying registration fee by this date.

There are plenty of opportunities for prospective pupils and their parents to visit the College before the Entrance Exams, including the College's Open Morning on Thursday 27 September from 10.30am to 12.30pm, when pupil tour guides will be available to show visitors around the school. 

Comments Melanie Butler, Assistant Head, Marketing, Admissions and Communications, "Parents and pupils still have plenty of time to prepare and opportunities to visit the College in the run up to the exams.  The results will be out at the end of November, making for an exam-free Christmas holiday, which has got to be good news."

For more information on the admissions process click here to visit the Admissions Update newsletter.

If you have any queries relating to admissions please feel free to email the Registrars at or call them on 01926 634201.