Important Information

Early Birds

Dear Parents,

I am writing to inform you that, as of next week, we shall be introducing a few changes to playtime on the playground during Early Birds (07:50 am - 08:20 am):

To help maintain a safe, but practical space for our children to be active at this time, we shall be demarcating certain age appropriate zones for the children. J1-J3 will be allocated the 'soft' playground, which contains the climbing frames and ropes. J4-J6 will be allowed to play in the adjacent court area normally used for football, netball and other (more boisterous) games, which are also much loved by the children. Due to potentially larger numbers and safety in the J3-J6 area, we are not allowing football on this court during Early Birds. They will still be able to play football during morning and/or lunch breaks though. It is important, too, that we cater for children who prefer less crowded spaces or who would just like to enjoy calmer activities. The top lawn and the patio area by the Gables will be open to all age groups in this regard. We shall trial run and monitor this change over the next fortnight to gauge its effectiveness. We welcome your support in reminding the children of this new arrangement when you drop them off in the mornings. 

It is also worth mentioning that we are in the process of having a spring gate-closer fitted to the wooden gate leading to the lower car park/playground. This will assist us in allowing the staff on playground duty to widen their supervisory gaze of the children, as they will not be required to patrol the gate constantly. Plus, parents won't have to remember to close the gate behind them any longer.

Please be aware that I have written to all our staff to reiterate our duty of care during playtime, especially in managing any inappropriate play.

Your support is much appreciated.

Kind regards,

Mr C. Lamprecht

Assistant Head: Co-Curricular

Individual And Class Photographs - Rescheduled Date

Individual and class photographs will now take place in school on Thursday 4 October, not Monday 24 September as printed in the Michaelmas Term Calendar. If you would like your child to have a photograph with their non-school age siblings, please let the office know and ensure that you are able to arrive at school by 9.00am. Photographs will take place in the school hall.

Crackley Hall School Office


Recorder Group

Friday 28 September 2018

Parents and guardians are advised that there will be no Recorder Group on Friday 28 September as the Choral Group is performing for the Macmillan Coffee morning. For this reason, could all Choral Group members be in school by 8.00am on this day. Many thanks.

Susan Olden
Director of Music 

Crackley Hall Half Term Holiday Club

Monday 22 October - Friday 2 November 2018

The Crackley Hall Holiday Club will this year take place during both weeks of the October half term holiday. It will commence on Monday 22 October and run until Friday 2 November. There will be exciting crafts, games and activities taking place on weekdays at school between the hours of 8.00am and 6.00pm.

Please follow the link to book a place



Michaelmas Term After Care

Parents and guardians are advised that After Care is available during the Michaelmas term. Further details and booking forms are available using this link. 

Aftercare queries and bookings can also be sent to the new aftercare email:

Thank you.

Crackley Hall School Office

School Uniform Shop Opening Times

The School Shop, located on the Princethorpe College site, is open for all your new uniform needs during term time between 3.30pm and 4.30pm and by appointment only during half term.

Appointments can be requested by contacting the School Shop Manager by email or by calling 01926 634272. Should you prefer a preloved item, of which there is a good selection, then please see our PTA 'pop up' shop within the school hall prior to assembly on any Friday.