Little Crackers

In Nursery This Week

Badgers and Hedgehogs have been learning more about our native Woodland this week.

Outside, the children have joined in the ancient custom of ‘tree dressing’, to give thanks for these vitally important bastions of Nature. They attached ribbons to a criss-cross of wool, so as not to damage the tree bark, learning that trees can get infections just as we can if our skin is damaged. We sang songs of hope that all of us will try our best to protect our trees; and tree hugged; and began to learn the names and shapes of the native species which we are fortunate enough to play underneath and around in school: Oak, Beech, Lime and Holly.

Inside with Mrs Allen, pupils have been chatting about imaginary tree houses, and after sharing their ideas, have been inspired to include lots of terrific features and details in their pencil drawings.

For example: Matilda knew that she would definitely choose a golden leafed tree to live in; Jude planned to build his tree house in a tree so tall that it always has a covering of snow on the top; Annie added a spy window and a swing; Layla’s detailed sketch had a ladder to reach the first branches and everything including the kitchen sink; Reeyan’s design included 5 chimneys and a slide; and Leonardo’s treehouse included a playpen for his dinosaur.

Mrs Allen has been working towards practically perfect pencil grips, as the Badgers begin to prepare for a transition to Reception. Do keep an eye out at home for a terrific tripod grip – thumb and first two fingers only!

A special thanks to parents of Stephanie and Monty who have already responded to our request for spare plants and seedlings to help enhance our learning areas. With the beautiful, late Spring sunshine prompting lots of home gardening, or trips to garden centres, it might be that more parents are able to send in a spare plant. Any shape, any size, any colour, any quantity, would be most welcome! We would like to turn our flower bed into a riot of colour and texture now that our Spring bulbs have finished flowering.

Louise has been in the craft area helping the children to make a head start on the artwork for their Father’s Day cards. A reminder for your diaries, that our Father’s Day celebration in Nursery is scheduled for the Thursday 20 June. Please note that any male relative can attend if daddies are unable to be released from their work obligations. As we did with Mother’s Day, daddies who can’t make it in person can send in a photo and we will print these off and stick them on our wall so that daddies can be there in spirit if not in person.


As well as starting our new topic all about the Farm, the Dormice children have enjoyed getting outside in the sunshine and practicing their independent throwing skills in PE.

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Little Crackers Specialist Activities Timetable

Please click here to view the weekly timetable for Nursery specialist activties.