Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents,

Today could not have started in a better way! We had Great Britain athletes Tully Kearney and Rey Banigo with us for the day and they led a whole school assembly just after the celebration assembly this morning. Tully is a paralympic gold and silver medal-holder in swimming, whilst Rey is the national long jump champion. We are particularly grateful to both athletes for giving of their time.  Both athletes were enormously informative and inspirational as they told the story of their journey to success.  I know that all the pupils (and staff) have gained so much from today’s visit and training program. Thank you to Mr Stedeford for arranging the day. 
Father Kevin was with us yesterday to celebrate Mass to celebrate Ascension Day with a Mass for Key Stage 2. I would like to thank Father Kevin for his ongoing support and commitment to the spiritual life of the school, as well as Mrs Forino who works hard to put all our events together. Thank you to J4A, Mr Ashley, Mrs Horan, Mrs Carroll, Mrs Olden and Mrs Simmonds for their contributions and also to the RE and Ethos captain and steward, Elsie and Josie-Jean. I also appreciated Fr Kevin leading an informative assembly on Our Lady earlier this week. 
Our Open Evening yesterday evening was a success with a good number of new families coming to see everything that Crackley Hall can offer. Our Junior 5 and 6 children were a credit to themselves and to all of us, and it is always wonderful to see them talking about their school with such pride. I would like to thank Mrs Jenny Vaughan for all her preparatory work, and to the Princethorpe team who were with us yesterday to help with making sure the evening ran smoothly. I was especially grateful to all staff and pupils who stayed behind to help on the day. 
The PTA have been delighted with the sense of competition between the classes for the sale of Summer Fair tickets - we are all hoping that the weather remains as it is now! 
Our Key Stage 1 Athletics festival took place this afternoon in some wonderful weather. Thank you to Mr Stedeford and all the other staff who have helped on the day. 
Congratulations to this weeks Stars of the Week who are: Nursery – Lyla and Finley; Reception – Emma and James; J1 – Faryal and Alice; J2 – Delilah and Orla; J3 – Harry and Ashleigh; J4 – Savannah and Hugo; J5 – Eleanor and Zara; J6 – Darcey and Ellie. Well done to Maria Paula who received her bronze award this week. The assembly was treated to an excellent singing performance by Issy (J6V) who sung beautifully and with such passion and emotion. 
It has been lovely to welcome Mrs Townsend back into the school office to support us after we said farewell to Mrs Devine. I expect to have the news of our new office appointment very soon. 
I hope that the lovely weather hold for the weekend and that you are able to spend a happy and restful weekend with families and loved ones. 
God bless, 

Robert Duigan







Quote Of The Week

“If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way.” 
– Martin Luther King Jr.