Important Information

Christmas Tree Decoration Competition

Christmas is fast approaching and each year we enter a tree into the St Nicholas Church Christmas Tree Festival. All money raised will be donated to Flourish - a Christian based charity who support girls aged 11 to 18 years, nurturing self-esteem and mental wellbeing within Warwickshire. The Crackley Hall Christmas Tree will be adorned with decorations created by the pupils of Crackley Hall.

We are continuing to look for ways to live more sustainably and with this in mind this year’s Christmas Tree Decorations must be made from products from your recycling! The theme is ‘Peace’.

All decorations need to be submitted by Monday 20 November. Please be creative, have fun and ensure your competition entry is made from materials which were destined for the recycling. Further information will be sent out on Seesaw.


CISC & Crackley Hall Christmas Card Competition

Each year, the Catholic Independent Schools Conference challenges pupils across the UK to create their annual Christmas cards. This is done in the form of a competition which KS1 and KS2 are encouraged to enter. This year, the theme for the card is ‘Jesus – King of Kings’ and will need a religious flavour!

Work submitted should be A4, portrait or landscape and 2D – it could also be a photograph.

As always, Mr Duigan will be making a selection for our school Christmas card from those images submitted. We are also making this a House competition, with 5 house points for entering, 10 for the runners-up and 20 for the card chosen by Mr Duigan.

The closing date is 6 November. Please give any work to Ms Holmes. Work should be labelled on the reverse with pupil’s name and class, plus their HOUSE!

Get creative everyone! We can’t wait to see what you come up with.


Operation Christmas Shoebox Appeal

This Christmas we will be supporting the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Appeal.

Please fill a medium sized shoebox with suitable gifts (no toothpaste or sweets) and wrap the lid and box separately. (For further guidance on contents please see Operation Christmas Child -

Filled and decorated shoeboxes should be returned to school by Friday 10 November along with a donation of £5. Thank you in advance for your support as we continue to share God’s love with those in our community and further afield.


October Half Term Holiday Club - Reminder

October Half Term Holiday club will be running from Monday 23 October until Friday 3 November.

Click here to see our jam-packed programme of fun activities, including some exciting trips out of school (additional charges will apply).

Please email to make your booking.

Whole School Junior Da Vinci Half Term Challenge - Reminder

Sustainability Challenge

Choose one of the tasks on the attached sheet to complete over the half term break.  Bring your ideas to school in any format, to share with your class teacher by Friday 10 November for a whole school display.  Be as creative as possible!

How does the food we eat directly impact the world around us?

More than half of the habitable space on Earth is currently used for food production, and the world's population is likely to grow by as much as 25% by the year 2050. Meat production methods in particular are contributing significantly to climate change. It is clear that something in the food supply chain needs to change. As we look to venture beyond Earth in the future, sustainable food produciton is one of the many challenges that we need to overcome before off-world living is a self sustaining option.

Sustainability Tasks - check the attached sheet here for further information

1. Where does our food come from?

2. Plan a mini farm

3. Did you know?

Show off your ideas for more sustainable farming and food production.

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Reception Early Bird Registration Deadline Is Today

Just a reminder that our early bird deadline for registrations for September 2024 Reception entry is today Friday 20 October. We advise those already attending Little Crackers in the pre-school year and siblings who are considering registering for 2024 entry, to please do so by this deadline.

For more information visit

To download a registration form please click here.

If you would like more information about our admissions process please contact our Registrar, Mrs Jenny Vaughan on 01926 514410 or email