
Lego Club

Tall, towering, gnarled, rooted, branching, deciduous, evergreen, leafy and, above all, beautiful. If you were in Lego Club this week you would know that all these adjectives belong to trees, and lots of them! We created an eye-catching array of trees, with the most popular being the beloved and native sycamore tree. Enchanting stories to accompany our trees were shared and treehouses were also crafted, which were brimming with spinning turbines, rotating railings and secret staircases - not forgetting a pair of binoculars!  What a tree-mendous time we all had! 

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Cartoon Club

Our Junior 1 Super Cartooners’ continue to enjoy getting busy with the pencils on a Wednesday lunchtime! It is lovely to see everyone getting to grips with their favourite designs as well as trying out new ones, and we were so busy this week, we almost ran out of chairs! Confidence is growing all around the room, and we love welcoming new faces each week.

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Extra Curricular Clubs Updates

As a reminder, please find attached the Extra-Curricular Club Timetable:

 Michaelmas Term Clubs

Changes to Extra Curricular Clubs

J5 and J6 Chamber Choir has moved to Thursday morning, from Wednesday.

J5 Art & DT Club has moved to Friday afternoon, from Thursday.

J1 Cartoon Drawing has moved to Wednesday lunchtime (12:30), from Friday

Rec Yoga has moved to Tuesday lunchtime (12:30), from Monday

Cancellations to Extra Curricular Clubs

Chess club is currently not running - we will update you as soon as we have a new start date

J1 and J2 Eco Club will not be running on Tuesday 17 October due to Parents Evening Meetings

Afterschool Clubs - pick up locations and times


J1 Rugby Tots - 3.45pm - Lower Playground

J3 to J6 Move It Shake It - 4.45pm - Gables

J4 STEAM Club - 4.45pm - Front Steps

J5 and J6 Girls Hockey Club - 5.00pm at North Leam School or 5.20pm at Crackley Hall


J1 and J2 Eco Club - 4.15pm - Front Steps

J1 and J2 Coding Club - 4.15pm - Front Steps

J3 and J4 Hockey Club - 4.30pm - Lower Playground

J4 to J6 Fencing Club - 4.45pm - Gables

Rec to J6 Bayleaf Cookery - 4.45pm - Front Steps

J3 to J6 STEM Young Engineers - 5.00pm - Science Room Door 


Rec to J2 Move It Shake It - 4.15pm - Gables

J5 and J6 Girls Football Club - 4.30pm - Crackley Hall Playing Fields

J5 and J6 Boys Football Club - 4.30pm - Crackley Hall Playing Fields


J3 and J4 Girls Football Club - 4.30pm - Crackley Hall Playing Fields

J3 and J4 Boys Football Club - 4.30pm - Crackley Hall Playing Fields


J1 and J2 ATMA Karate - 4.00pm - Gables

J1 to J6 Complete Cricket - 4.30pm - Lower Playground

J5 Art and DT Workshop - 4.45pm - Science Room Door

J3 to J6 ATMA Karate - 5.00pm - Gables