Christmas Shopping
Three great ways to support the school's PTA and your children!
1. Order your child's special design on unique and Christmas cards, gift tags, wrapping paper, mugs, and coasters. Great gifts for grandparents, aunties and uncles, godparents and as a yearly addition to your Christmas collection. Order cards in book bags today, just scan the unique QR code to verify your child's design and details and it will take you to the Christmas shop. We would highly recommend keeping hold of the card until you receive anything you order as the design code specific to your child's artwork is key.
The shop is open from now until next Wednesday 18 October.
The company we work with will close our shop at midnight on Wednesday 18 October so please make sure you action your special cards and gifts whilst you are thinking about it! We wouldn’t want anyone to miss out.
2. Another way to support without much effort at all - sign up to Easyfundraising for Crackley. Download the mobile app and it automatically pops up if you visit a site offering a donation. It doesn't cost you anything and really could boost funds if we all chip in a little bit by how we shop.
3. We will be holding a Grand Christmas Raffle and welcome both individual and corporate donations for prizes to create some extra joy and excitement! Please click here to let us know if you can help. Look out for our business donors in future PTA communications.
PTA Opportunities
We're mobilising for the Christmas Fair and would welcome anyone who wants to help. It's a magical time of year for the children and how better to make it extra special than by helping to create a fun filled afternoon for them to enjoy with their friends? The children LOVE to see you helping!
We have open roles for a Vice-Chair and Vice-Treasurer: please contact the office or the PTA directly if you would like to find out more about how you can support the school in either of these positions.
Pre-loved Uniform
The weather is slightly chiller now and we have winter uniform in stock. We will continue to sell jumpers, coats and winter pinafores for the next few weeks. If you have any orders you would like to place, please email Please remember that we are volunteer run and aim to get back to you within seven days. We are continually grateful for donations, and these can be dropped into the box labelled ‘PTA uniform’, located in the front porch of the school. A huge thank you for your support; we couldn’t run the second hand shop without your generous donations.
There will be an in person uniform sale on Friday 20 October between 8:30 and 9:30am in the Gables - the perfect opportunity to pick up winter uniform in readiness for after half term.
Next PTA Meeting
Our next PTA meeting will be held at 4.30pm in the school hall on Thursday 9 November. With advance notice to the Chair, complimentary aftercare for a parent wishing to attend will kindly be provided by the school.
Contact us via the office or on
PTA Key Dates
Our next event is the annual Christmas Fair and it promises to be a real treat for the children. Please mark the afternoon of Saturday 2 December in your diaries. Key PTA dates are in the poster for your reference. Do note that these are the dates we have anchored in but sometimes circumstances do change so check back every so often to keep abreast of what's on.