PTA Coronation Raffle

The PTA have organised a raffle, with a beautiful King Charles III Coronation Teddy Bear as first prize, with Beanie Babies and other items as prizes. Please send in some loose change to purchase tickets on Friday 12 May. Thank you!

PTA Colour Run

Just two weeks before our colour run and family picnic take place on Friday 19f May from 4.00pm to 7.00pm on the school playing fields! 

Don’t delay in signing up you and your family as some time slots are now sold out. All children under the age of 16, parents and teachers are welcome to join this family obstacle fun run. 

As always, we need your help to run this event. Please see the link below to sign up as a volunteer if you may have some time to offer.

Don’t forget your family picnic and drinks and we look forward to seeing you and your family soon. For tickets, helping us run the event and more details please see the link.  



Dates For Your Diary

Check out the flyers for details of upcoming PTA events.

Please follow us on social media to keep updated with our events!

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