
Tuesday's Hymn Practice

To welcome the return of the pupils after the Bank Holiday weekend, Mr Duigan spoke about May being the month of Mary and reminded pupils that if the 'r' is taken out of Mary, this will leave May. Mr Duigan spoke about the life of Mary, from holding her son as a baby, to seeing Him die on the cross. He spoke about how Mary helps us all to be better people by the way she led her remarkable life.

Reception Learning About Pentecost

Reception children have been learning all about Pentecost this week.  They could retell the story using movement and dance and they used musical instruments to symbolise the mighty rushing wind and the flickering flames. They also thought about how the Holy Spirit helped the disciples speak in different languages so they could tell the world about Jesus.

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Weekly Mission

Please click on the link below for this week's Weekly Mission:

Weekly Mission


Children's Liturgy

Please find information below:

Children's Liturgy

Jesus asks us to believe in and trust Him, because through Him we will come to know God. We reflect on what it means to trust God and other people.

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