Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.' - St Francis of Assisi


Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents

Welcome back to the last half term of this academic year.  This, traditionally, is the busiest half term of the year and this year is certainly no exception.  Whilst we are awaiting the Government’s decision on whether there will be a delay to the relaxation of COVID restrictions, we continue to plan events assuming that we can move forward in the safest and most inclusive way possible.  Various options have been considered for all planned events and, as soon as we have government confirmation, we will inform parents of how these events will be staged, the number of people who can attend and the level of hospitality that will be provided.

Children have been taking assessments throughout the week and have also been enthusiastically rehearsing for the annual production.   As mentioned before, it is still our hope and intention to extend an invitation to Junior 6 parents to attend the production this year.  We hope to apply similar arrangements for the annual prize giving (probably in three parts).  I will confirm arrangements as soon as updated information becomes available but both events will be recorded so that we can share the children’s experiences with you all.

I was delighted to be a part of the First Holy Communion Mass for 17 of our pupils today.  This is a very special event in our school calendar and, although we were restricted on how many visitors could be accommodated, it was expertly co-ordinated by Mrs Jackson-Mayne.  I would like to thank everyone involved who helped make this day memorable, particularly Mrs Jackson-Mayne, Father Kevin, Fr David, Mrs Simmonds, Mrs Hill, Mrs Olden, Mr Owstrowski, Mrs Stokes, the Office Team and Mr Luis.  I do hope that everyone who attended enjoyed the day and continued celebrating this special day with their extended families.

A representative from the Good Schools Guide will be in school on Tuesday and will be talking to individuals across the school in order to compile her review of Crackley Hall.  We will also have a detailed and routine health and safety audit on Wednesday and, finally, there will be a photographer in school, capturing images to be used in future prospectuses.  All visitors to school will be following our COVID visitor procedures.

There will be sports and leavers photographs taking place on Monday (in bubbles); children have been reminded to wear or bring in the appropriate kit.  On Tuesday, Junior 4 will be attempting a world record when they join an online ‘Big Sing’.  I hope to be able to let you know next week whether their attempt was successful.

In assembly this morning I announced our stars of the week as Aarav, Sophia, Savannah, Theo, Amelia, Vaughan, William, Leo, Sebastian, Willow, Elle, Niamh and Seb.  Bronze awards were ‘presented’ to Kyra in Junior 5, Theo in Junior 2, Rosa in Junior 6 and Issy, Lily, Grace and Amelia all in Junior 5.  Thank you to Penny and Olivia for their match report and to Aaron for his wonderful performance of ‘Pluto’, which was a lovely way to end assembly.

There was a ‘bumper crop’ of Da Vinci awards this week with Kate in Junior 4 receiving an award for French and Grace in Junior 2 achieving all 3 strands in Maths.  Junior 6 pupils receiving Da Vinci’s were Henry, George, Penelope, Samuel, Noah, Jacob, Anabel, Rosa, Millie, Daya, Harry, Thomas, Harry, Isabel and Yung.  There were more awards this morning as a result of earlier this year when a number of Junior 5 and Junior 6 pupils took part in the Primary Maths Challenge.  Four pupils qualified for the bonus round that should have taken place in February. Unfortunately, due to lockdown the bonus round was cancelled.  To mark this achievement the organisers sent the pupils badges instead with bronze awards being received by Thomas, Sebastian and Jasper and Noah achieving silver.

The end of term will be upon us very soon and I am aware that some parents would like to use our holiday club facility.  It is intended to operate holiday club from Thursday 8 July until 31 August and potentially 2 and 3 September.  It is hoped that the early notification that no holiday club will operate on Wednesday, 7 July will allow parents time to find alternative childcare on this day.  This is due to whole-staff training.  These dates are subject to there being a need for places and I would urge you to book next week if you would like to use this facility as staffing will need to be sourced.  If we do not receive sufficient bookings, it will not be viable to operate holiday club and I would like to give parents as much notice as possible should there be a need to cancel. 

I hope you are able to make the most of forecast, fine weather this weekend.  There is some excellent sport on at the moment and some more to look forward to in the near future – the French Open is building up to the finals this weekend, the cricket series against New Zealand is interesting, the Euros start today and the upcoming Lions tour to South Africa is being eagerly anticipated by everyone who is British … I, personally, am not confident that South Africa will win as I feel that the Lions will be too strong.

God bless,


Mr Duigan




Important Information

KS2 Sports Photos Kit Reminder

Just to remind you that all the KS2 children should come into school in sports kit on Monday, except for J6, who will need full uniform for their Leavers’ photos and sports kit packed.

The kit should be summer kit:

White polo

Black skort/shorts

WHITE socks

CLEAN trainers

In addition to this please can all J4 children bring in a suitable top to change into for home time. This means that the white PE top can be left in their class room ready for the Young Voices Big Sing on Tuesday.

Thank you

Summer Production Information

Upper KS2 Production - Thursday 24 June & Friday 25 June 2021

Dear Parents

It is with great pleasure that we are able to announce that the Junior 5 and Junior 6 pupils will be involved in the Summer Production. This year, due to Covid, we are unable to perform at the Leamington Spa Centre and will stage an Upper Key Stage 2 performance of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat at School.

The Junior 6 pupils, as always, will be taking on the roles of the principle characters and will be assisted by the Junior 5 pupils forming the chorus. Due to bubble restrictions the Junior 5 pupils will be unable to share the stage with Junior 6 and will therefore be lining the side of the hall to stay within the guidelines of government safety precautions.

There will be three showings of the play with limited audience spaces for Junior 6 parents only. The show will be recorded and all parents and the wider school community will be able to purchase a download of the recording.

The dates and times for the show are as follow:
Thursday 24 June 4:30 – 5:45pm
Friday 25 June 4:30 – 5:45pm and 6:30 – 7:45pm

We ask that all children attend the event, but if you have a previous engagement that you are unable to rearrange, please do let me know.

An afternoon tea (a hot dog and a cookie) will be provided for all the Junior 5 and Junior 6 children after school, before the first show on both days, and a small snack (fruit, a chocolate bar and a drink) before the second show on the Friday (An Evolve consent email has been sent to you to complete).

We ask that Junior 5 pupils wear their school shoes, black trousers or leggings and a brightly coloured, plain t-shirt with no logo or writing. These items need to be in school in a named carrier bag by Wednesday 9 June and kept in the classroom. Junior 6 children will receive a separate costume letter.

Family members of Junior 6 pupils who are attending the play, are asked not to arrive before 4:10pm for the early performance, to allow our carline to finish and for the lower car park to clear. Please do not arrive before 6:10pm for the later performance on the Friday, in order to allow parents to leave the lower car park.

A booking link for tickets will be sent out closer to the date.

Please note times below for collecting your child after the performance has finished.

Thursday 24 June:
Junior 5 carline at 5:45pm – 6:00pm
Junior 6 carline at 6:00pm – 6:15pm

Friday 25 June:
Junior 5 carline at 7:45pm – 8:00pm
Junior 6 carline at 8:00pm – 8:15pm

We would ask if you are collecting children from both Junior 5 and Junior 6, that you arrive at the Junior 6 carline time. Please be considerate to our neighbours at collection and when leaving the performance.

Kind regards

Nicola Wildey
Drama Teacher


Summer Holiday Club

The Crackley Hall Holiday Club will take place on the following dates during the Summer holidays:

Thursday 8 July and Friday 9 July

Monday 12 July to Tuesday 31 August (we are closed Bank Holiday Monday)

Thursday 2 Sept to Friday 3 Sept (depending on numbers)

A link to book places will be sent out to parents next week.





Stars Of The Week

Our Stars of the Week this week are:

Reception   Aarav
J1G  Sophia
J1H  Savannah
J2H  Theo and Amelia
J3S  Vaughan 
J3V  William
J4B  Leo
J4W  Sebastian 
J5L  Willow
J5R  Elle
J6H  Niamh
J6V  Seb

Congratulations to them all!

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Crackley Hall Pupils Celebrate First Holy Communion Mass

Friday 11 June was an important day for 17 Crackley Hall pupils as they celebrated their first Holy Communion Mass. Junior 3’s Blythe Camilleri-Willis, Adreena Greevy, Ted Higginbotham, Evie Kettle, Elsie Woodall-Pagan, Beatrice Parizzi and Josie-Jean Swindells; Junior 4’s Sebastian Crawley, Jay Jonah, Julia Kozhan, Andrew Parizzi, Mairen Steel, Elena, Amelia Turvey, Beatrice Wood and Eve Wood; and Junior 5 Sebastian Williams, gathered together excitedly with friends, family and representatives from the Crackley Hall School community at St Francis of Assisi Church in Kenilworth.

The children have been preparing for this special day for a while, learning about their faith so that they understand what they are committing to. In May they took the Sacrament of First Reconciliation.

In the joyful and celebratory Eucharist, Father Kevin Hooper was supported by Father David Bazen. In the service Father Kevin spoke about the nourishing love of God that would sustain the young communicants throughout their lives before the communicants then received the sacrament with the utmost sincerity and reverence. The children were a credit to their families and the school. Following celebratory prayers, reflections and concluding hymns the recipients were presented with certificates and posed for proud parents and friends in front of the altar.

Special thanks were given to Mrs Jackson-Mayne and Mrs Simmonds for their support of the children and to Mrs Olden, Isabella Olden and Shoshana Stokes for providing the music and singing. The school was also delighted to welcome Chair of Trustees Mrs Griffin to the service.

After the Eucharist the children were presented with gifts, balloons and individual First Holy Communion cakes to mark the occasion. It was a very special day for all concerned.


Junior 4 Diaries Added To National Archives For Prosperity

Children from Crackley Hall School in Kenilworth have helped to capture the everyday life of people in the UK today. The Year 4 children wrote diary extracts for National Diary Day on Wednesday 12 May, recording their day, reflecting back over the past year and looking forward to the future. Their handwritten snapshots of their life were then submitted to the UK’s Mass Observation Archive.

The Mass Observation Archive first called on people to write a diary for a day on 12 May 1937, the day of George VI’s Coronation, and since then they have regularly called for diary entries to record the thoughts, feelings and opinions of everyday people in the Britain.

The pupils’ extracts will join thousands of diaries stored in the archive at The Keep, near Falmer in East Sussex. The Keep is a giant repository holding records dating back as far as 1101 through to the present day.

Suzanne Rose, Education & Outreach Officer at The Mass Observation Archive, commented, “Thank you for the gift of these diaries and for taking part. The Mass Observation Archive has been collecting diaries since 1937 and the children’s diaries will be added to this collection. They will be used for teaching and learning activities and outreach too and the information they contain will help future generations of children learn about what it was like to be a child in 2021.”

The diary entries will also be saved for prosperity at Crackley Hall School as they will be included in the school’s own archive and in a Time Capsule which is due to be sealed at the end of the school year.

Susanne Jackson-Mayne, Year 4 Teacher, said, “The diary entries share the lives, hopes and dreams of our young pupils. Reading them gave me an insight in to how life has been for the children during lockdown and online learning, they made me sad but proud. It is wonderful that their memories are being saved for future generations. The children who have chosen to submit their extracts are thrilled that they have been accepted.”

Understanding The Early Years Foundation Stage Reforms From September 2021

This September the Department for Education is introducing changes to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). These changes will impact on every early years provider and through them, on every child in their care. The changes are designed to make the stages within the Development Matters document, the Department for Education’s EYFS curriculum guidance, clearer for professionals making judgements on children’s achievements and progress and also easier for parents to understand. They reflect the latest child development evidence, and the Early Years Team at Little Crackers Nursery and Crackley Hall are looking forward to bringing the changes to life.

Sue Glen-Roots, Assistant Head (Early Years and Key Stage 1), explains some of the more important changes that parents will be interested in here:

It is important to remember that the EYFS includes the children’s Reception year as well as their time in Nursery and the reforms should help align EYFS learning more closely with that which takes place once children move into Year 1. At Crackley Hall we are fortunate that our on-site nursery Little Crackers has qualified teachers who lead the educational activities for the children, they work closely with the Reception teachers to provide a programme of joined up learning across the EYFS.

Of course, the EYFS is still all about the individual child and teaching through play-based learning but the 2021 reforms are prompted by a number of goals.

The main focus is to improve outcomes for children at 5-years-old, by ensuring that the curriculum puts early language and literacy at its heart. So, there will be a greater emphasis on speaking and listening skills and greater value placed on books, with stories being used as a starting point for learning across all areas of the curriculum.

The changes also look to strengthen numeracy outcomes to ensure all children have a good mastery of maths in preparation for moving into Year 1. The key for early years provision will be the need to focus on exploring concepts in depth and giving children the time to practise and consolidate their early maths skills. At Little Crackers and Crackley Hall we follow the White Rose Maths approach making sure all children have the same opportunities to learn and the time and support they need to grasp numeracy concepts as well as fostering an excitement for mathematical investigations.

In addition, the curriculum area Understanding the World has been broadened and the topics now include, past and present and a more in-depth focus on the natural world. A rich and varied learning environment supports children’s development and outdoor learning has always been a crucial element of the EYFS Framework. The increased focus on the natural world will ensure there are many more opportunities for children to explore and experience the world around them.

For me, the Early Years is where the joy and magic of learning begins, and I am truly excited by the reforms. It is particularly wonderful to see a greater emphasis placed on stories which will fire our children’s imaginations in all curriculum areas. I am also delighted to see the focus on the natural environment and our staff are looking forward to bringing the new curriculum alive through outdoor activities, including Forest School. It is so important that children are given the opportunity to develop awe and wonder about the world around them.

Parents should be reassured that the changes are about keeping the children at the heart of all we do.

Mathlete Of The Week

Mathlete of the week for Mrs Hardwick's class is Thomas

Mathlete of the week for Mrs Glen-Root's class is Sophia

Mathlete of the week for Mrs Holmes's class is Evie

Mathlete of the week for Mr Stedeford's group is Amy 

Mathlete of the week for Mrs Van Zyl's class is Darcey

Mathlete of the week for Mrs Wildey's class is Joseph

Mathlete of the week for Mrs Burley's group is Amelia

Mathlete of the week for Mrs Roberts's group is Alfred

Well done all!

Scholastic Book Fair

Dear Parents

We are pleased to let you know that we will be holding our annual Scholastic book fair next week.  The book fair will open during school hours only this year, on Tuesday 15 to Thursday 17 June.

The children will be attending the book fair in class bubbles, and hand sanitiser will be used before and after the sale.

This year we will be unable to accept cash for the book sale, and vouchers can be purchased and printed from this link

Alternatively, you are able to pay online for books, via this link

There will also be a small selection of stationary items, ranging from 40p to £3.00 in price.  The Captains will be selling these separately, and cash will be accepted for these.

Please see attached a list of the books and stationery items that will be available for sale (all subject to availability).

Books are able to be ordered through the school, if out of stock, however stationery items are not.

Kind regards

The School Office

List and Form

Request For Props For the Summer Production

A request for help!

We are looking to source props for our summer show of Joseph and his Technicolour Dreamcoat. If anyone has any of the following, please could you bring it into school for the attention of Mrs Wildey or email her on for further clarification:

Zimmer frame

Piece of rope – for leading a camel

Some plastic/toy bread


Hessian sacks – (we have 3, but need 11)

Stand Up To Cancer Bake Sale

We just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who came along and helped support us at our bake sale in aid of Stand Up To Cancer last bank holiday Monday!

We raised an incredible £1340!!!

You helped an incredible cause and made two little girls feel very proud! 

And for all those who have asked….YES we will be doing another. 

Families Warwickshire Magazine

Please follow the link below for a digital copy of Families Warwickshire Magazine.


Learning In Action

Junior 6

This week, Junior 6 have finally been able to enjoy their Games afternoon on a sunny field! After the very mixed weather of the last few weeks, it was a welcome relief to be able to enjoy the sun on our faces whilst playing the traditional summer sports of rounders and cricket, welcoming Crescent School to join us for some friendly fixtures on Wednesday. Pale legs and faces were finally exposed to the glorious sunshine and many children returned with a healthy summer glow. Long may the weather last!

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Junior 5

This week, our wonderful Junior 5 pupils have continued to learn their songs and actions, ready to perform with Junior 6 in our production of Joseph in a couple of weeks’ time. We have some real movers and shakers in there!

Our girls had an incredible time on Wednesday in their rounders games (the last fixture of the year) against Crescent, walking away as victors. Super results, girls!

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Junior 4

Year 4 are using novels in English to enhance and reinforce their knowledge on subjects they have, or are, studying this term. Mrs Wildey's and Mrs Burley's groups are using How To Train Your Dragon in connection with our 'Vikings' topic and Mrs Jackson-Mayne's group is reading The Girl Who Stole The Elephant, which links to our topic on 'India'.

One of our activities this week was to design our own dragon! Take a look at the photos of our drawings and descriptions. We particularly liked the 'Daylight Dragon' who can intuitively detect kind people; we’re sure they would detect lots at Crackley Hall!


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Junior 3

This week’s wonderful weather has allowed Junior 3 to take maths outdoors! Both classes continued their enjoyment of learning time, practising what each number means on an analog clock. The children learned using a clock mat and created their own hula hoop clocks.

Across the curriculum, the children have also started to learn more about the environment, reading the Greak Kapok Tree in English and practising how to use various persuasive writing techniques. We were all devasted to hear about the destruction of the Amazon rainforest and we are motivated to write persuasive letters to a logging company next week!

Well done everyone, keep up the amazing work.


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Junior 2

Junior 2 have been really busy this week thinking about ‘Temperature’ for our maths topic. The children have been amazed to find there are numbers BELOW ZERO and have been fascinated to see that the bigger the number in negative numbers, the lower the temperature! Fascinating stuff. We finished the week with an experiment and challenge, to see who could find a range of temperatures and guess the actual degree, some pupils were really accurate, which was fantastic.

Our veggie garden is growing beautifully now and the radishes and onions are almost ready for harvesting. The Princethorpe team came across to help us stake the broad beans which are almost a metre high. Hopefully they will be harvested before the end of the term.

Pupils are loving our Mystery and Adventure writing topic and our novel is the Secret Seven (with a little abridging) by Enid Blyton, to tie in with the theme. Gasps and breath-holding are a pre-requisite!

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Junior 1

Our first week back in our last half-term of Junior 1 saw us learning a new story – Mr Gumpy’s Outing. What a funny and silly story it is! There are so many animals and people who decide to go on a boat ride with Mr Gumpy, there was only one wet outcome that could happen at the end – to the delight of all the children!

Back on dry land, we took a virtual trip to Northern Ireland in Geography, where tasting soda bread and fruit tea loaf helped us to imagine we were actually there!

In History we have learnt how cars have changed over time and many of Junior 1 were shocked to find out that the first cars had no roof and only came in the colour black - much different to the many designs and colours of modern-day cars. 


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Refreshed from a wonderful and very sunny half-term break, Reception have returned to school with a spring in their step and have been eager to continue learning! With summer on the horizon, we have been investigating the seaside and what we can find there. Tom Percival’s story, The Sea Saw has helped us with this, in addition to many discussions about seaweed, donkeys, sand and ice cream!

More fun has been had when exploring and recording doubles in Maths using mirrors. As you can see in our photos, we realised that double means twice as many and we spotted patterns emerging as we became maths detectives and investigated further.  

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The Year Of St. Joseph And RE Shining Stars

The long-awaited day to celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion as finally arrived. Due to Covid restrictions Junior 4 and 5 pupils have had to wait another year before receiving the Eucharist.

This week, however, they have been busy preparing for the Holy Communion Service. The children have been rehearsing their readings and singing at St Francis Church and completing their Sacramental folders and booklets. Fortunately, the Mass will be filmed so that all who are unable to attend will be able to see the celebration.

A special thanks to Isabella Olden who will be playing the piano and cornet during Mass.

Good luck to Thomas and Isabel Reddish as they receive the Sacrament of Baptism this Saturday, at Princethorpe.

Our local Good Samaritan, Joshua Burley in Junior 3 is our Shining Star this week and receives a Da Vinci. During his half-term break in London, he was struck by the number of homeless people on the street and wanted to help in some way. Using his birthday money, he donated to Shelter and bought the ‘Big Issue’. In our RE lesson this week, Joshua was able to make the link with the story of ‘The Good Samaritan’ and demonstrated how we can live out ‘God’s Word’.

Children in J2 have been considering The Passover which we heard a great deal about during the year. The children had asked exactly what the feast represented, so we investigated the story of Moses, (the baby born into slavery), who became a Prince of Egypt and then saved his people from Pharaoh. Theo sequenced the story (which was quite lengthy) and focused beautifully on presentation for a good 50 minutes! What a super star. Theo said” it was a brilliant story and I think one of my favourites, I loved hearing about this amazing man”.


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Weekly Mission

Please click on the link below for this week's weekly mission;

Weekly Mission



Junior 3 And 4 Enjoy Cricket And Rounders Against Crescent School

Junior 3 and Junior 4 had an exciting afternoon of rounders and cricket yesterday when they took part in mixed matches against Crescent School. For a number this was their first opportunity to play a fixture, so there was plenty of coaching and support and the children were all encouraged to have a go. We had a lovely afternoon and everyone had lots of fun.

More details can be read in the match reports included separately but do have a look at the photos in the gallery here.

Well done everyone!

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Rounders Match Reports


The U8 girls have made their first move in their rounders competitive careers over the last two weeks at school. Just before half term, the A team had their first ever match against Bilton Grange. This is always a tough challenge, but the girls faced the challenge head-on. They faced the Bilton Grange U8 team first in a coaching game. Showing a real aptitude for the game, the girls managed to win by 6 rounders to 2 ½.  In the second game, the Crackley girls faced the tougher U9B team… Learning and adapting with each ball, the girls also won this game by 6 rounders to 5!

Player of the match was Elsie A.

This Thursday, we faced Crescent School. This time, all girls had the opportunity to play. Our B team started their campaign, batting extremely well to win by 4 rounders to 2 ½ .

Players of the match were Sienna and Beatrice.

Our A team then took to the pitch and used the skills they had learnt from their previous match to field and bat with accuracy and confidence. They won by 6 ½ to 3.

Player of the match was Elsie A.

What a fantastic way to end the summer term of fixtures for the U8 girls!


U11 Rounders:

This Wednesday, the U11 girls played Crescent school. We fielded an U11A, U10A and U11/U10 mixed team. All girls had the opportunity to play, which was a fantastic experience for them.

It was a very successful experience for all, with a winning result for all teams!

U11 / U10 mixed team won by 10 rounders to 7 ½ .

Player of the match was Steph, with a special mention to Helayna for her amazing batting!

U10A team won by 11 rounders to 6 ½ .

Players of the match were Olivia for batting and Issey for fielding.

U11A team won by 18 ½ rounders to 10.

Players of the match were Scarlett for fielding and Isabel for batting.


Yesterday, all of the Year 4 girls were given the opportunity to play in our final fixture of the year.

Crescent School travelled over to play against us, and we had a lovely afternoon of sport. Our A team won 2-1 1/2, our B team lost 2 1/2 -4. Fielder of the game was Olivia and batter of the game was Esme. Well done to all of the girls! 



Lego Club News

Inspired by our previous space theme, the force was definitely with Lego Club this week as cool weapons roared through the atmosphere! With Ninja battles against the Ice Emperor at the ready, we opened up a galaxy of creative play adventures and re-enacted the Star Wars enterprise in our own unique and inimitable style. With our very own Luke Skywalker’s X-wing, our battle adventures commenced with questions flying through the intergalactic atmosphere – should we fight the good fight to save the galaxy or join the dark side and rule with the Emperor?  Accompanied by Jedi Master Yoda with his green lightsaber, Shelley the turtle and Bo the Seal decided to join forces with Yoda to set up their very own intergalactic pet shop serving ice-cream and milkshakes to keep the dark side at bay!  Lovely.

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Little Crackers

Nursery News

We have been making the most of the fabulous weather this week, as well as preparing for our Sports Day, which at the moment we are keeping our fingers crossed for!  It all rests on Boris now, the Sport’s Day will obviously take place, but hopefully you will be able to join us.  We will let you know as soon as decisions are made at Government level. 

Likewise, our Graduation is also hanging in the balance, but whatever happens, the children are learning songs, practising races, and having a thoroughly good time in the process. 

Our youngest children have been spending more time playing together in their own room again this week as we manage the very different age groups at the end of the year, and they are benefitting from a slightly different environment, as our pre-school children prepare for their next big step into Reception class in September. 

Thank you for all your support with ‘pre-nursery’ sun cream application, and sending in hats.  It is really important that our children are safe in the sun, and we are altering our outside times accordingly too.  I hope everyone enjoys the weekend, it looks like the good weather will continue!




Crackley Hall ‘Eco- Friendly’ Festival Of Balloons Virtual Race

To help raise funds for PTA funded events, Crackly Hall PTA are hosting their first ever virtual balloon race! Balloons cost £3 each and you can buy as many as you like. You can customise your balloon by entering your nickname, colour and message. 

The balloons will be launched at 12 noon on Monday 28 June. During the race you will be able to go on-line and check the progress of your balloon and watch the leader board. 

The race will end at 12 noon on Friday 2 July.  

The competition is open to everyone so why not challenge your friends and family to a little eco-friendly balloon race competition. 

House points for all who enter and prizes for the top three winners.  

Go to to enter. 

Big PTA Summer Raffle

Welcome to Crackley Hall PTA's raffle page. We're excited to join The Big PTA Summer Raffle 2021, this has been a really tough year for everyone and this is an opportunity to have some fun and raise money for our school.

For every ticket you will have 12 chances to win up to £5,000! At the same time we will raise 50% from every ticket sold supporting our PTA. It's a fantastic way to bring Parents, Carers, Teachers and the wider community together, in partnership with our PTA, and at the same time give something back. We hope to raise funds that can support and enrich the education of our children - we aim to provide extra resources for the children, improve the school environment as well as run extracurricular activities such as music, art and sport.

Your support is greatly appreciated and we wish you good luck!

PTA, Preloved Uniform Shop Is Open For Business!

Dust off the dresses, shine those shoes and un-crease those coats.  As always, thank you, to our wonderful second hand uniform team, Nikki, Linda and Katie, for being ever patient and serving our wonderful school community with much needed preloved uniform.

Please feel to contact them on to arrange an appointment, or to simply check stock availability.

To offer this service, we rely on wonderful donations from you. So if you have any good quality uniform your child has outgrown, please use the collection box in the school front entrance.  It will then be quarantined for 72 hours before offering for sale.

All money raised from the PTA Uniform shop is spent on extras for your children throughout the year at school and helps the children’s day become even more special!


Lost Property

Parents, please ensure that all items of school uniform and sports kits are named.

Could you please regularly check all uniform and sports kits at home – if it does not belong to your child, please return it to the School Office as soon as possible.


Nieve (J1H) has lost her named blazer

Max (J6V) has lost his named blazer (name inside is Jasper N) and named cap 

Fraser (J3S) has lost his navy blue next cap (left behind on sports day)




Foundation Job Vacancies

We are recruiting for a variety of roles currently, as you will see below, so please do share with friends and family by word of mouth.

Further information and application forms on all roles are available on our website - Join Us

  • Teaching Assistant - Princethorpe College
  • IT Infrastructure Engineer - Princethorpe College
  • Teaching Assistant KS2 (Maternity Cover) - Crackley Hall School
  • Teaching Assistant EYFS (Reception) - Crackley Hall School 
  • Early Years Assistant - Little Crackers
  • Lunchtime Supervisor - Crescent School