Welcome to the final edition of The Chronicle for this academic year.

We said goodbye to Junior 6 today and waved this wonderful group off on their next adventure.

Congratulations to Jupiter who are the winners of the House Trophy, our cover photo is of their House Captain Ben receiving the award on behalf of his House in assembly today.

We are so proud of all our pupils this year, they have worked hard and made good progress.

Have a lovely summer break everyone and watch out the first edition of the Chronicle on Friday 6 September 2024.


Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents  
Time just continues to fly by and is made all the more noticeable as I write my piece for the last Chronicle of this academic year. I would like to say a sincere thank you to our pupils, staff, parents, and our PTA for yet another wonderful and very successful year here at Crackley Hall. We can reminisce over the wonderful achievements by so many in our school community over the past year, and know that everyone has a good reason to feel a sense of accomplishment  
In this short week we have had our final school year events take place. A class prize giving and party was enjoyed by each year group.  Fr Kevin was in school to celebrate our Leavers’ Mass yesterday. Thank you very much to Fr Kevin, the Junior 6 staff and pupils, Mrs Olden, Mrs Forino and Mrs Simmonds for making this such a special occasion.  Our sincere thanks go to Father Kevin for his continued support and service to the school and the pupils.   
Our Prize Giving Ceremonies, held yesterday, are a highlight of the academic year as the school community celebrates the pupils’ hard work and superb achievements. We congratulate all of our prize winners and it is with great pride we acknowledge their efforts, hard work and contribution, in every area of school life.   
I am delighted to inform you that the news of our new Head Boy has been chosen as Felix Hughes and Head Girl is Jessie Johnson, our Deputy Head Boy is Alex Tsang and Deputy Head Girl is Grace Aston. Congratulations to all of you. I was delighted to be able to announce the leadership positions for all the other Junior 5’s at an assembly this morning. I look forward to them taking up their areas of responsibility in September. We will award their badges of office at an assembly just after the start of the school year.   
It is sad to be saying goodbye to our Junior 6’s, but it was a real delight to hear them read and sing for the last time at prize giving and, again, at today’s Leavers’ Assembly. You were outstanding! We wish all the very best for whatever your futures may hold, we look back with fondness and we are proud of each and every one of you for being part of this wonderful school community.   
Please remember we have Holiday Club running throughout the holidays with some exciting days planned, if you are interested in booking on, please contact holidayclub@crackleyhall.co.uk   
India just managed to pip South Africa in the T20 men’s cricket world cup final but England are still ‘hanging in there’ in the Euros. Ireland against South Africa on the rugby pitch on Saturday promises to be a tough fought encounter. 
After a busy school year, we hope you get to enjoy some special time with your families and loved ones in creating memories to last forever. Please travel safely and we look forward to seeing everyone again in September. 
Thank you, again, to all the staff, for their fantastic efforts. We wish Mr Cottrill, Mrs Roberts, Mrs Burley, Mr Pike, Ms Francis, Mrs Steeples and Mrs Brew the very best for the future. Thank you to all our parents for their support and the pupils for always trying their best. 
God bless 
Rob Duigan 

Quote Of The Week

"Each day is the scholar of yesterday." Publilius Syrus

Important Information

Summer Production Recording - Reminder

If you wish to order a copy of the production, please return the completed order form and place it together with £20 cash in a sealed envelope, and hand in to the school office.

Ordering Form

Locker Keys - Reminder

Please remind your children that they will need to hand in their locker keys in at the end of term. Any lost keys will be charged at £10 which will be added to their next school bill. 
We still have one unclaimed key in the office  which has a  ‘Chiropractic Essentials’ lanyard with it.

Thank You 


Prize Giving Is Culmination Of Another Exceptional Crackley Hall Year

Prize Giving at Crackley Hall is the culmination of the academic year, it is a chance to reflect, a chance to celebrate and a chance to give thanks. This year’s Prize Giving took place on Tuesday 2 July with the Lower School receiving their awards in the afternoon and Junior 5 and 6 in the evening.

Crackley was delighted to welcome a number of special guests to the celebrations including Chair of Trustees, Liz Griffin and in the evening Foundation Principal, Ed Hester.

Headmaster, Mr Duigan gave a thought-provoking speech, he gave thanks to the many who give so much to the school in so many ways. He challenged every boy and every girl to wake up every day and do something different. He reminded pupils that those who succeed have to be brave enough to fail. He encouraged all the children to strive to do their best, to live in the moment, never limit themselves and to celebrate the success of others.

Crackley Hall’s pupil leaders gave their reports speaking movingly about their time in office and their Crackley journeys, and the memories and friends they will take with them as they move on to secondary school.

And then there were the awards, book awards for progress, effort and diligence, school spirit and kindness, contribution to school life and achievement. Followed by cups and shields and trophies galore, all recognising the diligence, effort and excellence that abounds at Crackley Hall.

It was difficult to pick winners for this year’s Special Awards as there were many worthy potential recipients, so it was with great pride that Mr Duigan announced the following:

St Joseph’s School Spirit Award – Darcey W-S

Zanyi Chalmers Award – Patrick F

Scholarship Award – Ben B

Sister Mary Patrick Trophy for Caring – Alexa B

PTA Crackley Hall Shield – Joisie-Jean S

As the ceremonies concluded, all Crackley pupils were encouraged to reflect on their achievements this year, as prize winner or not, all should be rightfully proud.

At the evening ceremony Ms McAloon announced the new Head Boy, Felix H, and Head Girl, Jessie J, and Deputy Head Boy, Alex T, and Deputy Head Girl, Grace A, who proudly took to the stage to receive their badges of office from Mr Duigan.

The ceremony closed with a stirring rendition of the Foundation Hymn Here I Am Lord.

Photos from both Prize Givings will be shared with parents in the next few days.

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Junior 6 Secondary Destinations And Scholarship Success

Many congratulations and the very best of luck to all our Junior 6 pupils who finish at Crackley Hall School this week, ready to move on to a range of outstanding local independent and state schools in September. To mark the end of their time here at Crackley Hall, pupils were presented with their Leavers’ hoodies on Friday.

19 of the cohort will be moving to the Foundation’s senior school, Princethorpe College, while six children have chosen the local grammar schools. We also have pupils going to a number of other independent schools as well as local state schools. We are especially delighted that this year 15 of our Junior 6 pupils have been awarded scholarships, including all-rounder, academic, art, sports, music and drama awards by a variety of schools.

Headmaster, Rob Duigan, said, “Our aim is always to do our best to help our pupils reach the destination secondary school of their choice and we are particularly pleased with the range of scholarship offers this group has received. It’s an excellent outcome and everyone here is thrilled for them.”

Congratulations to all the children on their achievements – Crackley Hall School is really proud of you all.

Warwickshire Junior Book Awards 2024

This morning, Ms McAloon and Mrs Cowlishaw accompanied a group of children from Junior 5, when they attended the final Award Ceremony for the Warwickshire Junior Book Award at King's High School, Warwick.

Along with children from 24 participating schools across Warwickshire, the children had the opportunity to meet the shortlisted authors of the four books they have been busily reading this term:

  • Finn Jones Was Here by Simon James Green
  • Safiyyah's War by Hiba Noor Khan
  • The Swifts by Beth Lincoln
  • The Storm Swimmer by Clare Weze

Last week, the children participating voted for their favourite book; today, Simon James Green was announced as this year's winner! This text had been a firm favourite with our pupils here at Crackley Hall!

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Junior 6 Leaver's Assembly

In keeping with Crackley tradition, Junior 6 put on their famous and eagerly anticipated 'Leavers Assembly' for us all today. It was so wonderful to hear the children talk about all their fondest memories from their time at Crackley, as well as hearing the songs that are special to them and have soundtracked their journey from Nursery all the way to Junior 6. Well done to all the children and staff involved for putting on such a fantastic tour de force of their Crackley greatest hits! While there were some tears, we can’t forget what a joyous moment this is. We wait with excitement to hear about all the exciting things you will get up to in senior school and beyond. You really are all superstars!

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Junior 6 Leaver's Mass

The theme for the Junior 6 Leaver's Mass was endings and beginning new journeys.  As we said goodbye to friends, we thought of memories that have been created as we celebrated those treasured times, and we thanked God for the opportunities we have been blessed with.  
Father Kevin introduced the Mass and explained that change can sometimes be challenging. Change is exciting, but sometimes we might feel anxious.  With support from our friends and family, and spiritual guidance, we can embrace the change and meet each challenge head on.  
Through our prayers we asked for God’s blessing - to be with us on the next stage of our journey and to be our guiding light as we try to navigate the challenges that may lie ahead. 

Mention was made of local parishioner and former parent, John Wolffenden, who was celebrating a special birthday. John attends most of the Crackley Hall School Masses and the school is always happy to welcome him. Congratulations on behalf of everyone at Crackley Hall School, John.

Father Kevin ended by asking each of us to remember that Goodbye means God be with you and asked each of us to be hopeful that God is always with us.

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Staff Farewells

During the morning assembly, Mr Duigan said farewell to the staff who are leaving. Kind words, thoughtful gifts and garateful sentiments were given to each person as they were  given their gifts from the staff and parents.

Mr Cottrill, who has been Mr Duigan's Deputy for almost 12 years and is now moving to become a Head; Mrs Roberts who has been a class teacher and Head of Science at Crackley for 12 years;  Mrs Burley, a class teacher for four years and PSHE and School Council Leader; Mrs Steeples, who has been a TA and Head Librarian for three years; Mr Pike a TA for five years; Mrs Brew who has been our School Chef here for two years as part of the catering team. Special mention was also given to class teacher, Miss Rogers, who is leaving to go on maternity leave.

We wish them all the best for the future.

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Netball Honours For Elsie

Huge congatulations to Elsie A in Junior 6 who has been selected to play for Warwickshire County Netball Team. Elsie was up against stiff competition and was put through a rigorous assessment before being chosen. She now joins the U12 County Academy and will benefit from extra training and the opportunity to play in County matches.  

It's an amazing achievement - well done Elsie! 

Olivia Shines As An Attendant At The Carnival

We were delighted to see Olivia in Junior 3, as one of the Queen’s Attendants in the Kenilworth Carnival last Saturday. Olivia was selected after an interview at the Priory Theatre, where she had to go up on stage and be asked questions about herself and her hobbies. Olivia was very happy and excited to be a part of the Carnival, and even helped draw the winners of the Carnival Grand Raffle on Sunday, together with the Carnival Queen, Maid of Honour and Princess.

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Awards and Celebrations


The STEAM competition for the whole school challenged pupils to design their own chocolate bar with special ingredients that gave the eater special powers or abilities!

The pupils listed below came up with some fabulous designs, but Darcey and Alice were the worthy winners. They came up with amazing ideas and each earned a 25 house points and a full Junior Da Vinci for their efforts. Alice’s Pegasus chocolate bar gave the eater wings, whereas Darcey’s smart choc makes you smarter!  

1st Place - Alice and Darcey

2nd Place - Isher, Otto and Teddy

3rd Place - Henry and Ryan

Well done to all who took part.






Weekly Mission

Please click on the link below for this week's Weekly Mission:

Weekly Mission

Children's Liturgy

Please find information below:

Children's Liturgy

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B) - Sunday, 7 July.
Jesus was teaching with great wisdom, but the people found it hard to believe in Him. Let's find out why.

Activity Sheet 





Little Crackers

Summer Holiday Drop Off And Collection

As we approach the end of the school term we would like to remind you of drop off and collection arrangements during the Summer break.

The office is open for slightly shorter hours (9.00am-4.00pm) so please ensure you have a mobile phone with you to be able to ring through to Nursery. For both drop off and collection, parking will be in the main school carpark (not lower playground) and please use the main school entrance. When you arrive, call us on the nursery number (01926 514456) and a member of the team will come out to meet you.

Please do not use the Reception/Office intercom as there may not be anyone in the office to answer you.

If your child is not going to be in Nursery for any reason on a specific day, please email Emma Birch (EmmaBirch@Crackleyhall.co.uk) in the first instance or telephone (01926 514456) after 7.45am.

Nursery Summer Activities

There is lots going on at Little Crackers Nursery over the Summer holidays. Our year-round children will enjoy themed weeks of activities, so we thought we would share the first two with you!

Starting with a sea theme, children will enjoy water and messy play, sea creature crafts and yummy bakes to sample. Week two will have a beach theme with plenty of sand play an ice lolly treat! There will be an ice-cream kiosk role play, and chance to make postcards of their favourite holiday destinations. It's all going to be a lot of fun!


Message From PTA

Welcome Back Picnic 

Crackley Hall PTA warmly invites you to join their 'Welcome back Picnic' on Friday 6 September 3.00pm to 6.00pm on the school sports field. Bring your own picnic! There will be a PTA bar and snacks.  

PTA Summer Activity

Many thanks for all your support this summer term. We hope your children have loved it!

  • Summer Fair
  • Quidditch Day
  • Colour Run
  • Play Equipment and Books Donations
  • Olympian Visit
  • Pre-Loved Uniform

Other Dates For Your Diary

  • Wednesday 25 September - PTA Meeting
  • Friday 27 September - Head's Quiz 

Please do get involved, email us at: chair@pta.crackleyhall.co.uk


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Uniform Changes and Ordering - Important Please Read

As previously communicated, from September the current boys and girls uniform will be replaced with two uniform options, simply named 'Uniform Option 1' and 'Uniform Option 2'.  The two lists will contain the same uniform items as they currently do. Children and families will then choose which of the two options is right for them.

These changes will bring us in line with the other schools in the Foundation, as well as many other schools around the country who have adopted a similar approach.

One possible outcome of this change, is that girls may wear trousers rather than the skirt or pinafore.

With this in mind, please see below for some additional information.


Junior 2 to Junior 3 Uniform Changes

Children moving up to Junior 3 will need to have the following items of uniform:

School Backpack

Drawstring Bag (for swimming)

Sports Bag

Standard Tie (not clip on)

Games Top (for winter sports)

Long Maroon Sports Socks (for winter sports)

Silver Crackley Hall Swim Hat

Plain Black Swimming Costume or Trunks

All items, apart from the swimming costume and trunks, are available from the Uniform Shop.


Junior 5 and 6

Junior 5 and 6 pupils have the option of wearing the tartan skirt and white revere collar blouse in the first half of Michaelmas Term and in Trinity Term (Uniform Option 2). If wearing the skirt, it must be with the revere collar blouse and no tie, and black school socks.  Junior 5 pupils can still opt to wear the Summer dress, with white school socks, in these terms if they choose to.  If they choose Uniform Option 1, they wear black trousers or knee length black school shorts (NOT cargo style) with a standard white shirt and tie, and black school socks.

For the second half of Michaelmas and into Lent Term, pupils in Junior 5 can choose to wear the tartan pinafore or black school trousers, with the standard white shirt with school tie, and black school socks or tights.  Pupils in Junior 6 can wear the tartan skirt or black school trousers, with the standard white shirt with school tie, and black school socks or tights.


Online Uniform Ordering Form

Please see the new electronic uniform ordering system.

This link will be in the weekly Chronicle for your ease and convenience. 

New Uniform Order


School Contact Information And Links

Crackley Hall School Office
01926 514 444
Email: post@crackleyhall.co.uk
Postal address: St Joseph's Park, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 2FT

Office Manager/Headmaster’s Personal Assistant - Marie Holt
01926 514 444
Email: receptionist@crackleyhall.co.uk

Little Crackers Nursery; Nursery Manager - Emma Birch
01926 514 456 - Email: post@littlecrackers.co.uk

After Care - David Johnson, Aftercare Manager
Collection contact no; 07543 164 779
Email: aftercare@crackleyhall.co.uk

Bills, Fees and Online Payment
01926 634 273
Email: georginamalin@princethorpe.co.uk

Registrar - Jenny Vaughan
01926 514 410
Email: admissions@crackleyhall.co.uk 
Princethorpe College General Office
01926 634 200
Email: post@princethorpe.co.uk
website: www.crackleyhall.co.uk
X: @CrackleyHallSch  
facebook: @crackleyhallandlittlecrackersofficial

Foundation Job Vacancies

We regularly recruit for a variety of roles, please do share news of the vacancies with interested friends and family. Current vacancies include:

  • Head of Estates and Sustainability - Princethorpe College
  • Site Supervisor - Crackley Hall
  • Estates Operative - Crescent School
  • Estates Operative - Princethorpe College
  • Sports Coach - Hockey - Princethorpe College
  • Sports Coach - Rugby - Princethorpe College

Further information and application forms on all roles are available on the Foundation's website - www.princethorpe.co.uk/join-us