Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents  
Time just continues to fly by and is made all the more noticeable as I write my piece for the last Chronicle of this academic year. I would like to say a sincere thank you to our pupils, staff, parents, and our PTA for yet another wonderful and very successful year here at Crackley Hall. We can reminisce over the wonderful achievements by so many in our school community over the past year, and know that everyone has a good reason to feel a sense of accomplishment  
In this short week we have had our final school year events take place. A class prize giving and party was enjoyed by each year group.  Fr Kevin was in school to celebrate our Leavers’ Mass yesterday. Thank you very much to Fr Kevin, the Junior 6 staff and pupils, Mrs Olden, Mrs Forino and Mrs Simmonds for making this such a special occasion.  Our sincere thanks go to Father Kevin for his continued support and service to the school and the pupils.   
Our Prize Giving Ceremonies, held yesterday, are a highlight of the academic year as the school community celebrates the pupils’ hard work and superb achievements. We congratulate all of our prize winners and it is with great pride we acknowledge their efforts, hard work and contribution, in every area of school life.   
I am delighted to inform you that the news of our new Head Boy has been chosen as Felix Hughes and Head Girl is Jessie Johnson, our Deputy Head Boy is Alex Tsang and Deputy Head Girl is Grace Aston. Congratulations to all of you. I was delighted to be able to announce the leadership positions for all the other Junior 5’s at an assembly this morning. I look forward to them taking up their areas of responsibility in September. We will award their badges of office at an assembly just after the start of the school year.   
It is sad to be saying goodbye to our Junior 6’s, but it was a real delight to hear them read and sing for the last time at prize giving and, again, at today’s Leavers’ Assembly. You were outstanding! We wish all the very best for whatever your futures may hold, we look back with fondness and we are proud of each and every one of you for being part of this wonderful school community.   
Please remember we have Holiday Club running throughout the holidays with some exciting days planned, if you are interested in booking on, please contact holidayclub@crackleyhall.co.uk   
India just managed to pip South Africa in the T20 men’s cricket world cup final but England are still ‘hanging in there’ in the Euros. Ireland against South Africa on the rugby pitch on Saturday promises to be a tough fought encounter. 
After a busy school year, we hope you get to enjoy some special time with your families and loved ones in creating memories to last forever. Please travel safely and we look forward to seeing everyone again in September. 
Thank you, again, to all the staff, for their fantastic efforts. We wish Mr Cottrill, Mrs Roberts, Mrs Burley, Mr Pike, Ms Francis, Mrs Steeples and Mrs Brew the very best for the future. Thank you to all our parents for their support and the pupils for always trying their best. 
God bless 
Rob Duigan 

Quote Of The Week

"Each day is the scholar of yesterday." Publilius Syrus