Headmaster's Message

Quote Of The Week

‘I am not a teacher, but an awakener.’

– Robert Frost

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents 

I would like to start this week’s newsletter by thanking everyone for their understanding whilst we navigate the unfortunate sickness bug that is currently affecting school. Only last week I reminded families of our school policy regarding sickness, and it certainly proved to be timely. I realise that some may have felt that we were sending out too much communication, but we were following UK Health Security Agency directives. As of today, I am pleased to report that we appear to have seen the end of cluster absence and the trend is showing that children are now returning to school. We will continue to maintain the enhanced cleaning for the next two weeks to minimise any future reinfection. I do hope all staff and children are healthy and symptom free to enjoy their weekend.   
We have not been able to participate in external fixtures, competitions or receive visitors this week and we rescheduled where possible.  
The PTA meeting also had to be changed to an online meeting this Wednesday and I was interested to hear discussions regarding future events. The forthcoming Christmas Fair will be the next fundraiser which can be enjoyed by all families. This will be held on Saturday 3 December between 1.00pm and 4.00pm. The PTA are very much hoping that as many families as possible can attend at some point during the afternoon and would like to hear from anyone who might possibly be able to spare some time to help on a stall (for about an hour and a half).   
Due to the cancellations of external providers’ clubs and fixtures, we saw a noticeable increase in children attending aftercare this week. I would like to remind parents that Mrs Walter and her team can only accept children into aftercare who have been booked into the provision in advance, or who are taken to the provision by a member of staff, after the end of carline.  Booking is necessary so that we can manage numbers, ensure children are in the right place at the end of the day and to order the necessary catering provisions. This in turn will also ease carline congestion and save unnecessary waiting for parents and pupils. Pupils have also commented that they like to know in advance what their end of day arrangements are. All pre-booked after care will receive the snack prepared by the kitchen staff, but this cannot be guaranteed for bookings made after 2.00pm (although we will always endeavour to give the pupils something to eat). I hope that this explains the provision, but please do not hesitate to contact the school office or aftercare@crackleyhall.co.uk if you have any questions. 
Following advice, we did not hold Celebration Assembly this morning but teachers have awarded Stars of the Week to children and I will award certificates next week when we resume our usual activities. I visited classes today to congratulate this week’s Stars and, as mentioned, will formally present their certificate next Friday. Well done to Rosie, Bracken, Imogen, Marley, Ryan, Hugo, Sophia, Angelica, Felix, Theo, Ding, Wade, Grace and Georgie. I look forward to congratulating you all next Friday. 
Next week we hope to return to ‘normal service’ and all clubs will resume. We will also be wishing Junior 3 and 4 ‘the very best’ for their LAMDA exams which take place on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Also on Friday next week, we have been invited to sing at the switching on of the Kenilworth Lights in the High Street from 5.30pm.  This will take place in the old town and is always a lovely evening with our Choral Group helping to add some festive spirit. 
I hope that sports fans are ready to enjoy the Men’s Football World Cup and the Autumn International rugby matches this weekend. Congratulations to England on winning the T20 Men’s Cricket World Cup. Wishing you all a happy and warm weekend. 

God bless,


Rob Duigan