Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents

As we near the end of this most recent lockdown, there is certainly some sense of positivity and hope becoming more evident.  I know that teachers are desperate to return to the classroom and I am sure that the children are more than ready to be reunited with their friends and the school routine.  I would encourage you to read the letter that is being sent to all parents which details the arrangements for returning to school on Monday 8 March.

Whilst I am certain that our Crackley Hall pupils, and those in most good schools, have managed to learn and to advance their education, there are many children around the country who would not have had much of a school experience or any learning at all. Skills learnt by our pupils during online teaching will certainly be utilised in the rapidly changing face of education.  Perhaps the biggest point for me is the real, face-to-face interaction that the children would have missed. Reassuringly, those who have returned at the later stages of the critical worker provision have very quickly integrated with their peers with no trouble at all.

Staff will be returning to school on the afternoon of Friday 5 March in order to prepare and be fully briefed regarding the return.  Whilst I am looking forward to school re-opening, it is important to remember that we are essentially still in a lockdown and the risk of COVID-19 remains which is why it is imperative to continue with our bubbles and adhering to risk assessments.

As is required in any business today, the school underwent planned IT and firewall upgrades over the half term break. Whilst the improvements will soon be in evidence, we have experienced some technological challenges this week, across most aspects of the IT provision, from internet to the various platforms in use by the teachers and pupils.  I apologise if this caused any frustration or difficulty and look forward to being able to fully utilise the improved provision. Of course, you might be one of those fortunate not to have been affected.

This week has seen a tremendous amount of student work celebrated.  As you may have seen in my assembly this morning, LAMDA certificates have now arrived in school and will be distributed to children from Monday 8 March.  It is wonderful to see how many children took part and not only passed but excelled during their exam.  Congratulations to you all!

Da Vinci awards have been received by Junior 6, Junior 4, Junior 3 and Junior 2 pupils.  Certificates will be posted to Jasper, Niamh, Joseph, Noah, Theo, Rafferty, Isabella, Alexa, Darcey, Beatrice, Joshua, Jenson, Ted, Blythe and Harrison.  Congratulations on your exceptional efforts and the da Vinci badges will be awarded once children have returned to school.

Morton, Alex, Elsie and Willow have received their Bronze Awards today for their super manners, kindness and helpfulness. Our stars of the week were: Oscar, Chace, Sophie, Rory, Mahnoor, Olivia, Sienna, Olivia, Evie, Harry, William, Rafferty and Daya – well done everyone on your achievements.

In addition to preparing for the return to school, next week we will also be hosting the online parent consultation evenings from Tuesday to Thursday. Please contact the school office if you have any difficulty booking your appointment.

World Book Day will be on Thursday next week and I look forward to seeing photographs of the outfits that are being worn that day.  Children attending Key Worker care can also dress up and book vouchers will be distributed when children arrive back in school.

I would like to wish everyone a happy and restful weekend – with lovely weather, if possible.

God bless,


Mr Duigan