School Mass
This week we have celebrated our first two Masses with Junior 4 and 6.
Father Kevin was delighted with how the children behaved and joined in, as these were the first two Masses he has led in schools since March.
Thank you to Georgie, Carter and Julia in Junior 4 and Maxwell, Isabel and Millie In Junior 6 for reading. It was lovely to see the pupils thinking about friendship and how we support each other in these very different times.
Junior 2 took part in a short service today, led by Mrs Jackson-Mayne – they discussed ways that they could follow in Jesus’ footsteps by being kind to each other. They drew fish and decorated their prayer corner linked with the story from the Bible, ‘I will make you fishers of men.’
Next Monday Junior 3 will celebrate Mass on Monday and Junior 5 on Wednesday. Reception and Junior 1 will take part in a Welcome Back to School Service led by Mrs JM, in their classrooms.
Crackley Hall are now using resources created by Christian group ‘Ten Ten’. Please see link below: