Staff, disabled and visitors’ parking are provided at Crackley Hall. The parking spaces directly on your left as you come through the gates are for staff only. Please park considerately in the neighbouring roads, for example, do not park on or near a corner or outside or opposite a neighbour’s drive. The grasscrete area on Fennyland Lane is also for staff only.
In the morning children in Reception and Nursery can be accompanied into school, but older year groups are expected to bring themselves in, and they should be dropped off at the front steps – or if there are cars behind you please pull further round the turning circle before the children leave the car. If your child arrives at school before 8.20am they must sign in with the Early Birds staff on the playground.
At the end of the school day, Reception and J1 children are collected from The Gables entrance at 3.30pm (please collect older siblings from the normal car line according to their time slot). Please park in the lower car park located off Fennyland Lane, which will usually be open from 3.00pm, and then walk up to the entrance.
For the collection of the children from Junior 2 to Junior 6 after school, we use a system of six carlines, whereby parents pull up in their cars around the roundabout in the car park and wait for their child to come out of school. Several members of staff oversee the dismissal of children at the end of the school day, and one will remain on duty until 4.10pm. If you are not here to collect your child by this time, they will be taken to After Care. The times for 'car line' are as follows:
3.35pm - 1st car line – J2 with no older siblings in J3-J6)
3.45pm - 2nd car line - All other J2 children (with their siblings in J3-J6)
3.50pm - 3rd car line - Junior 3 (with their older siblings in J4-J6)
4.00pm - 4th car line – Junior 4 (with their older siblings in J5-J6)
4.05pm – 5th car line - Junior 5 (with their older siblings in J6)
4.10pm – 6th carline – Junior 6 only
We request that Nursery parents park off site if collecting their children between 3.30pm and 4.00pm to enable us to keep the car line moving smoothly.
Please adhere to these times as it helps keep car line flowing smoothly and prevents undue congestion in the neighbouring roads.