Thank You And PTA Ordinary Meeting

We would also like to say a massive thank you to ALL the PTA volunteers who have given up their time for this very busy first Half Term. We trust you have a restful break.

There is an Ordinary General Meeting on Wednesday 6 November at 7.30pm in the Science Room. 

All welcome to attend - many hands make light work.

Headmaster's Quiz

Thank you so much to everyone who helped organise and to the staff, parents and friends who came along to participate in the Headmaster's Quiz last weekend.

Congratulations to the winning team 'QUIZ QUIZOFFERSON’, on a night filled with fun and laughter. It was quite an achievement to beat the teachers yet again!

Christmas Card Orders

We are delighted to tell you that all the children have designed a Christmas card in school and should by now have brought home their sample Christmas cards together with an order form for cards, gift tags, mugs, tea towels and bags.  This is a great opportunity to purchase reasonably priced cards and other items displaying individual artwork produced by your child, whilst also raising money for the PTA.

To ensure we get the orders back in plenty of time, all orders MUST be back at school before half term, i.e. Friday 18 October.  

Please include payment with your order form (cash or cheque payable to Crackley Hall PTA) or alternatively you can pay online:

Sort Code: 30-94-93

Account Number: 02023477

Ref: Surname Xmas

The designs are beautiful this year and the children should be proud of their efforts.  Hopefully, your families and friends will enjoy them as much as they did last year.

Winter Wonderland - 43 Sleeps to go...!!!!

Saturday 30th November , 1.00pm to 4.00pm

Planning is now underway for what we hope will be another fantastic PTA event. This year's Winter Wonderland will take place on Saturday 30th November 

As always these events are a success because our wonderful school community come together and once again we are asking for your help ....

As well as lots of help needed on the day we are looking for help with the planning and setup of some of the stalls. Any aspiring chefs (or chefs), caterers or just parents who love to cook and can come up with some exciting and new suggestions around the food tents?

Home crafts is always very popular, so if you have any home craft skills in your back pocket please do let us know, the children and parents love buying Christmas gifts and goodies on this stall

We have set up a WhatsApp group for those of you who would like to get more involved, please let  know if you would like to be added to this?

All help is welcome, both in the build-up to the event and planning and on the day so please do let us know if you are able to offer your support in any way?