Little Crackers

Nursery News

Goodness me, it felt like the ‘Beast from the East’ was back this week! Wednesday was a proper blustery day, the sort of day that Winnie the Pooh would have loved, and we had great fun being blown around outside until the wind became so strong we had to retreat and play inside in our ‘gorgeous green den’. We have some keen outdoorsy children in nursery this year, adept at building a pretend campfire and toasting pretend marshmallows. Thank you everyone for sending in wellies, we have been practising our ‘wellie drill’ and everyone is getting really good at the independent ‘shoe swap’.

As the weather changes we will continue to go outside as much as possible, and with this in mind, if your child has any easy waterproof trousers (or a waterproof all in one) it would be really useful to keep in nursery – especially for playing in the mud kitchen and splashing in puddles. Now that we have mastered our footwear, we will start teaching everyone to get into the suits!

Have a great weekend everyone!

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