
RE Book Of The Week

The RE Book of the Week is awarded to Beatrice Hieber in Junior 1 for her super recount and illustration of when the disciple Peter was put into jail for his beliefs.

Mrs Jackson-Mayne told the Chronicle that her work performed during her RE lessons with Mrs George was both informative and reflected excellent listening skills.


Father Kevin Engages Children with Reflection

Father Kevin led assembly with the whole school on Thursday to explain to the children the significance of each month in the Liturgical Year. He explained that each month has a religious theme, where we can take time to reflect. With the sun streaming on to the lovely statue of Mary, in the hall, and flowers in bud, it seemed appropriate that we should be thinking of Mary in the month of May, given this new life reminds us of the beautiful things we can do by following Mary's example.


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Angela Hill Reprises RE Captain's Role Through Sacrament Seminar

As part of their work on Pentecost in RE, Year 10 Princethorpe pupil and former RE captain at Crackley, Angela Hill came to talk to J2M about the Sacrament of Confirmation. She spoke about how the Holy Spirit has guided her through her life and the gifts which the Holy Spirit has given to her. She spoke about the name she chose and why this was important to her. As well as choosing her own Confirmation name, she also chose Richard, her brother, to be her sponsor.