Important Information

Parking For Open Evening On Tuesday 8 May

Open Evening is running from 5.00pm - 7.30pm on Tuesday 8 May. 

For those parents collecting their children from aftercare on that day, please can you ensure you park on the lower playground.

Name That Show - School Show Competition Announced

Thinking caps on children, for Mrs Wildey and her dedicated Drama team are pleased to announce the launch of this year's 'Name the School Show Competition'.

You guys have been set the challenge to arrive at a name for the show. On paper this sounds pretty easy, but there's a twist; the production name you come up with must encapsulate the evening's entertainment and showcase if possible the three featured shows. These are, The Wizard of Oz, The Little Mermaid and My Fair Lady.

Your selected name might be anything. We have previously had 'Magical Moments of Musicals', 'Be Our Guest' and 'Our 4ever Musical Favourites'. Any suggestions are welcome and one will be selected and used for the show itself and the show's programme.

Entries need to be in by Tuesday 8 May and given into the office on a named piece of paper. Our Drama Team will then consult with the Headmaster to reveal the winner in Celebration Assembly. Oh and just one thing; remember children this is a competition for just the title of the show - not the programme design.