Little Crackers

Nursery News

Happy Saint Patrick’s day to anyone reading this over the weekend! We have really enjoyed this week in nursery – welcoming the first real signs of Spring. We spotted flowers growing outside, the buds beginning to appear on the trees, and even enjoyed some sunshine as we dug for worms on Tuesday afternoon! We have been looking at the daffodils, the new ones popping up in our outdoor area, and the cut ones we drew and painted pictures of in our creative area. The pictures and paintings will go up on display over this next week, and as time is moving on we will also start talking all about Easter. 

The most popular part of our provision this week was the wigwam, we borrowed it from the little ones to try it out in the big room, and we may not give it back!  Everyone has been in it at some point, making collections of natural objects, creating campfires and using it as part of the ever popular hide and seek games, maybe next week we will be able to make some real dens outside if the weather continues to be kind! If you have any den building materials at home (tarpaulin, broom handles, plastic crates etc.) and are thinking of getting rid of them, please send them our way – we love building dens! Have a great weekend, and don’t forget to send in your photos if you have an exciting adventure!

For further details of the 'fun and goings-on' with Nursery please click on the attached link.


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