
Mass For The Beginning Of Term

On Friday 19 January, Father Kevin celebrated Mass to mark the beginning of a new school term and the new calendar year.

Pupils took time out of their busy day to  think about ways that  we can all make changes to our lives, which will enable us to serve God, create stronger friendships and develop an understanding of our faith. The opening hymn, Colours of Day, encouraged pupils to be the light to chase away the darkness and the flame that lights the way.

Our thanks as ever go to Father Kevin for helping us celebrate new beginnings. 


Holy Communion Meeting

Friday 28 January - 9.30am

Thank you to the parents who attended the Holy Communion meeting on Tuesday night.

There will be an enrolment for the Holy Communicants of 2018 at 9.30am Mass on Friday 28 January, at St Francis Church.


RE Book Of The Week

Martha Summers receives RE Book of the Week this week for her wonderful discursive piece on her own beliefs. In this piece of work, Martha has captured the difficulties in developing and exploring your own faith.