Little Crackers

Autumnal Program Set To Captivate Crackley's Smallest

All our Stay 'n' Players should ring their diaries and tell their friends as on Wednesday 8 November Autumn Crafts will be taking over our lovely school hall from 10.00am. There'll be many autumn-themed crafts for you to take delight in and the decorating of scrummie gingerbread people to take home too! At just £2 per family (including refreshments) this surely is a certainty for the coming months. 

Please note the next visiting activity is Paint and Glaze on Wednesday 29 November and our Christmas Party, with Father Christmas in attendance, is on Wednesday 6 December.

For more information, please visit:

Nursery News

This week we have really enjoyed our visitors, we met PCSO Sarah-Louise who told us all about the job of a police officer, and Firefighter Sam who told us all about her job too. She very kindly bought her uniform in to show us, and dressed Mrs Bird up for everyone to see! We loved the shiny helmet, especially when Sam showed us how the special visor worked… we couldn’t see Mrs Bird’s face at all, even though she could see us! After these visits everyone was really excited, so we turned our role play area into an incident station, with police and fire dressing up outfits, a desk and telephones for recording incidents and arrests, and a jail for the really bad people! 

As the weather has taken an autumnal turn please could I remind everyone to send in gloves, warm coats and hats for when we take our learning outside. We will continue to explore the outside area during the coming months as much as we can, so need to be ‘cold weather prepared’!! Wellies would also be welcome! We have ‘upgraded’ our outside mud kitchen, and as the children love playing there please remember that warm clothes should also be easy to wash! 

The date for the Nursery Nativity this year is 5 December, and it will take place in the morning. I know many of you may need to take time off, but please come along if you can, other family members are also welcome.

For further details of the 'fun and goings-on' with Nursery please click on the attached link.


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