
RE Book of the Week

Henry Fox is the recipient of this Friday's RE Book of the Week for the critical thinking skills he displayed in his RE lesson. Henry demonstrated the ability to think about how God’s love impacts on us all and how we should all try to behave. Mrs Jackson-Mayne is full of admiration about the time Henry took when he reflected on his own beliefs.  


Minnie Vinnies Lead Celebration of Feast Day

Thank you to the Mini Vinnies for their excellent assembly to mark the Feast Day of St Vincent de Paul on Wednesday. It was inspiring to hear about all the excellent work they have been doing. Their next venture is to collect any foreign coins so that we can pass them on to the St Vincent de Paul Society in the Parish. With this in mind, we would like you to turn out any pockets and push your hands to the back of your cupboards to seek out those unwanted or unused foreign coins.


Assembly Of The Rosary

Tuesday 3 October

As October is one of the months where we think about’  Our Lady’, Father Kevin will be leading an assembly on the Rosary. Pupils are very welcome to bring in their own rosary  beads if they have them at home, for the assembly and the month of October. Rosary beads will be on sale very soon, Mrs Jackson-Mayne will keep you posted.


Holy Communion

Pupils in Junior 3 or above who are Catholic and would like to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Holy Communion next year should please contact Mrs Jackson-Mayne in the next couple of weeks. A link to her email can be found by clicking here.  


Dates For Your Diary

Harvest Mass, Tuesday 10 October

This year we are pleased to reaffirm our support for the Warwickshire Food Bank, so Mrs Jackson-Mayne would be very grateful if pupils could bring in a small item of food – either a packet or tin please, as this will be then passed on to those in our community who are in need of it most.

Feast of St Francis of Assis, Wednesday 4 October

Wednesday 4 October is the Feast of St Francis of Assis. The pupils will find out a little bit more about the Saint whom our local parish church is named after during the assembly on Monday 10 October.