Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.

Eleanor Roosevelt


Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents

I hope you and your family enjoyed the Easter break.  The children certainly seemed to have settled back into school very quickly and it is lovely to see the energy and industry in classrooms.  We especially welcome Annabel (J4) and Sebastian (J1) and their families to Crackley Hall.  Annabel was with us at Little Crackers and has had two older sisters attend Crackley Hall.  We also welcome Mrs Gurinder Kaur as a teaching assistant and Mrs Vicky Gibson as a volunteer teaching assistant on a part-time basis.

Although this has been a short school week, it has been relatively busy and looking at the term ahead, there are so many events and activities planned for the next 11 weeks.  I am sure Trinity term will pass incredibly quickly.  During the Easter holiday, school remained open to Nursery children, Holiday Club was enjoyed by those that attended and I can also let you know that we have a new library, but more on that news later. 

I have been very interested to hear what the children have been doing during the Easter holidays; countries visited, the learning of new skills, days with extended families and in some cases, raising money for charity.  It is wonderful to hear of the opportunities that the children experience outside of school and these can only help to enrich their lives and gain a better understanding of the world around them.

The change into summer uniform appears to be particularly well timed given the recent weather and I hope that it continues at least over the weekend.  May I remind all parents that we have had a significant amount of uniform in school that remains in lost property, unnamed.  Due to limited space in school we cannot keep these items indefinitely and any items not claimed by the end of Monday will be either given to the PTA for selling on or taken to a local charity shop. 

As you may remember, last term I mentioned the trial of new lunchtime arrangements where children will be grouped in houses during lunchtime rather than year groups.  This trial has been extended into the Trinity term before we decide if it will become a permanent arrangement.   

I was delighted to see so many of you in assembly this morning and I hope that you had the opportunity to look at the marvellous models made by our Junior 6 classes.  Mrs Horan told me about the fantastic efforts and we agreed that they just had to be put on display for all to see.  Well done to all J6!

Although it was a long assembly today, the children were very respectful and appreciative of one another’s achievements.  It was super to hear the recorder group and choral group perform – they were both fantastic.  I was equally proud of both Olivia and Connor who each sung superbly in front of the whole school.  Well done to all the children!  Congratulations too to all the recipients of other awards, particularly those who received their music or LAMDA certificates.  Our performing arts department is certainly producing the goods and the children are working really hard.

Wishing you all a restful and relaxing weekend with your families.

God bless,


Robert Duigan

Important Information


Stars Of The Week

Our Stars of the Week this week are:

Nursery Mabel O'Shea
Reception Beatrice Parizzi
J1G Oliver Stringer 
J1W Evie Gibson 
J2M Kyra Khanna 
J2H Lily Bryson
J3V Henry Clark-Bryan 
J4H Annabel Leigh
J4J Soren Wasley
J5G Isabella Osborne 
J5R Andrew Gordon 
J5V Wilf Grindal
J6H Alexander Richards 
J6L Evie Berger

J6 Deliver Perfection In First World War Projects

To go above and beyond, that was the first lesson learnt by Junior 6 in their recent First World War history topic. Expertly led by subject specialists, Crackley's finest were given a framework of knowledge relating to the causes, conflict and resolution of the 'Great War' and then 'orders' to research and demonstrate a thorough understanding of trench warfare through the experience of those that participated.  

Our charges excelled in their solo missions to the great delight of their teachers Mrs Horan and Mrs Lammas. The level of creativity and dedication and the sheer breadth of their responses required an impromptu display for the rest of the school to see. Their invention read like a roll call of innovation and originality, as students dug their own trenches, staged archaelogical digs, made survival kits and lastly built interactive digital presentations.

It should also be forever noted that the endeavour and commitment of each student was rewarded with their own da Vinci Creativity Merit. 

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Living Proof That Music And Drama Thrives At Crackley Hall

This morning during Celebration Assembly we were treated to some thrilling and very special performances from our pupils; but little did we know that these would preceed the distribution of over 70 certifciates of excellence in Music and Drama across the school.

It appeared to the untrained eye that everyone in a Crackley Uniform received a certificate of achievement, such was the depth of talent. Mrs Wildey (Drama Coordinator) and Mrs Olden (Music Coordinator) detailed the pupils achievements with both instrument and voice, with no pupil awarded less than a merit.

With talent such as this to call upon, we at the Chronicle fully expect the best ever end of year production.


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Crackley Demonstrates The Power of Giving

The Crackley school community has a long history of working for others, either as part of our school fundraising programme or on more solo endeavours prompted through experience of or understanding of others.

For this reason, it's no surprise that a trio of students and Mrs Wildey have put their talents to good use raising much needed funds for others.

Andrew Hope's (J6H) charitable work required him to 'live rough' in a cardboard shelter overnight in the grounds of St Helen's Church. Andrew told the Chronicle, "I was really pleased to raise over £100 for the St Basil's Homeless charity, it was really cold overnight getting as low as minus 3 degrees."

Soren Wasley (J4J) took to two wheels to complete a sponsored bike ride in the holidays for UNICEF, in response to the Warwick Students' seminar on Water Aid that he received in school as part of 'One World Week'. His endeavours raised an impressive £455.

Roshan Dougall (J4J) is also planning to complete a swimming challenge of 1.5km or 60-100 lengths of an average sized pool in aid of Marie Curie Cancer Care and Cancer Research. We have our fingers crossed for you Roshan as he has over £600 pledged so far!

Last, but by no means least, Mrs Wildey (Drama Coordinator) is also using her bike to raise money by riding the Brewin Dolphin Ridgeway Rouleur Sportive in Oxfordshire this Saturday in aid of Melanoma Focus. Further details and the opportunity to donate are available on her Just Giving Web page.

Well done one and all. You really are shining examples of Active and Prophetic, the Crackley's Virtues from last term.







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Easter Treats Are Recipe For Holiday Club Success.

If you’ve ever wondered what the children at Crackley Hall’s Holiday Club get up to then take a peak at the colourful photographs in the attached gallery.

This holiday the many fun activities led by our own teaching staff included creating wonderful Easter biscuits with Miss Gail. The tasty treats were most welcome and we at the Chronicle are delighted to report that enough of the beautiful biscuits made their way home to prove that the oven was switched on!

As well as cooking, our children also busied themselves with lots of other exciting activities including park visits, nature trails, treasure hunts and multi-sports.

Crackley's Holiday Club is run by teachers and teaching assistants so the children are very familiar not only with the surroundings, but also with the staff and they always enjoy the opportunity to try some different activities.

The club runs each school holiday and is open to all children attending Crackley Hall School. For further information, please contact the school on 01926 514444.

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Extended Lunch Trial

We are delighted to announce the extension of vertical lunch groups after a very positive start.

The Chronicle can report that it has been wonderful to see the different year groups from each House dining together. Friendships have been made and renewed, whilst our ever so dedicated Junior 6 children have proved very effective role models to the younger children from different year groups.   

Jupiter Triumphs In House Point Competition

Jupiter - 1st place: 241 points

Venus - 2nd place: 206 points

Mars - 3rd place: 181 points

Saturn - 4th place: 169 points


Events - Week Beginning Monday 23 April 2018

Monday 23 April 2018 9.00am - 12.05pm J6 First Aid
Tuesday 24 April 2018 9.00am - 12.05pm J6 First Aid
  1.30pm - 3.00pm Grandparents Cream Tea

Wednesday 25 April 2018

11.00am - 11.30am

Whole School Mass

Feast of St Mark

Thursday 26 April 2018  2.30pm - 5.00pm U9 'A' & 'B' & U8 Rounders (A) at Bilton Grange
Friday 27 April 2018  8.30am - 9.30am Celebration Assembley


Grandparents Cream Tea - One Lump Or Two?

Tuesday 24 April - 1.30pm to 3.00pm

On Tuesday 24 April, Crackley Hall will be hosting a very special Cream Tea event in the school hall for grandparents of children in school, retired and housebound parishioners.

There are still some spaces left, if this event is of interest, please contact the school office by 9am on Monday 23 April via email: or telephone 01926 514444 with your details.

Awards and Celebrations

A photographic 'walk-through' the week's events.

Please click on View Gallery to scroll through a few photos from this week's events. 

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RE Book Of The Week

RE Book of the Week is awarded to Lily Bryson (J4H) for her super reflection of the resurrection and the changes in Jesus. Mr Duigan noted when awarding Lily her accolade during Celebration Assembly that her gift for explanatory writing was deserving of particular recognition, given many adults would find difficulty in undertaking the same task. Well done Lily.





Good Shepherd Boxes

Mrs Jackson-Mayne (RE Coordinator and J4J Class Teacher) has asked that any outstanding Good Shepherd boxes should be returned by Monday please.

Don't worry if your can't find yours, as any donations can be deposited within each classes' Good Shepherd box.



Save the Date - Feast of St Mark Mass

Next week sees the first Mass of the Summer Term. Representatives from different year groups will help lead the Mass, which will be at 11am. As it is the feast of St Mark on this day the pupils will think about the role of St Mark as a Gospel writer and a companion to the apostles. All parents, guardians and carers are welcome.



Key Stage 2 Girls Sport

We have had a few queries regarding the new format for the sports clubs this term.  The changes have been made with the best interests of the children in mind, enabling an enriched sports provision across as many areas as possible. A great amount of thought went into how we could address some of the problems the coaches were facing with the least impact.

With the old timetable, where clubs followed on from games lessons, we found that the children were missing vital coaching and skills sessions due to fixtures, as the fixtures would often eat into both their lesson and their club time. The only development and coaching would therefore be match based.

With the new timetable, the switch of days means that the children get the benefit of two sessions a week to develop skills: one during games lessons (or fixtures) and one during their club session. We can therefore focus on specific skills in their club session or games lesson and look to put those into practice during matches and house fixtures. We can also work on strategies of the game, as a team, when not under competition pressure, which will help the children develop their game and implement new skills in a non-pressured environment. In this way, ALL of the children will benefit from increased coaching time.
Whilst these changes may have caused some jiggling around of priorities at home,  we are sure you'll understand that this will reap benefits for the children's sporting development in the long term.

Gymnast Of The Week

Mrs Ellis is delighted to announce that the recipient of 'Gymnast Of The Week' is Harry Roberts (J5G).

Key Stage 2 Boys Summer Sports Kit

The weather might have said differently recently, but as we are now in Trinity Term, our Key Stage Two Boys (J3, 4, 5 & 6) will be enjoying the game of cricket in Games. Since cricket is a technical game requiring time devoted to the learning and practice of new skills, it was felt that the boys training sessions during club time should not be impeded by fixtures. For this reason, the after school Cricket club for each year group will be held on a different day to their Games session as follows:

J5 & J6 Games Wednesday afternoon / J5 & J6 Cricket Club Thursday evening

J3 & J4 Games Thursday afternoon / J3 & J4 Cricket Club Wednesday evening.

Where possible, all fixtures are booked to take place during their Games sessions, therefore preserving the boys' Cricket Club time for the aforementioned cricket instruction.

Please note the following Key Stage Two Boy/s kit:

White Crackley Hall PE shirt

Black Crackley Hall PE shorts

White socks

Crackley Hall PE Tracksuit

Crackley sun hat

White training shoes

The following cricket kit is optional:

Crackley Hall Cricket top

Crackley Hall Cricket bottoms or equivalent if same cream colour

Crackley Hall Cricket Jumper

Thank you for your attention in this matter. 




Little Crackers

Nursery News

It is so much fun having everyone back together again!  We are all happy to be back and the rooms are buzzing as the children renew their friendships, make new ones and share their news. It has been fantastic hearing all about those of you who went away, those who had adventures at home, and those who enjoyed afternoon tea and other fun activities in Nursery over the last couple of weeks. 

As the sun comes out, so do we, and we hope to be spending more and more time in our outdoor learning area as the term progresses. Please hold this thought in your head as you think about shoes and clothes, sandals look beautiful but often cause trips and slips outside: a closed toe canvas shoe is perfect for dry days, and as always we aim to go out in the rain, and muddy days are inevitable, wellies are still useful. We will do a wellie check during this week and let you know if any are too small. 

It may seem early, but you may also want to think about hats and sun cream (she says with an optimistic smile!) there are lots of lovely creams that you can apply before nursery and they will last all day now, but if you want us to apply more in the afternoon please give us a labelled tube to keep in Nursery. We will store them with the sun hats, again please label hats, leave them in nursery and we will have them ready for each day. If anyone is having a shed clear out in the coming weeks any plants, bulbs or seeds that you no longer want are all welcome as we start to sort out our growing areas.  Have a lovely weekend, lets hope we can get outside and enjoy some sun!

Please make sure you read this week's newsletter, as it's packed with all the information you'll need.


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Family Fun Day Incorporating Crackley's Got Talent - Tickets On Sale Now!

Saturday 12 May - 1.00pm - 4.30pm

Tickets can be purchased by clicking on this link. Please do look out for the flyer as this contains further information, but rest assured there will be the usual mix of stalls and activities. Entry can only be made with an advanced ticket, as the ticket includes BBQ food and a hog roast and the PTA need to know how many to cater for. Early bird tickets are on sale until noon on Tuesday 8 May at £5 per adult and £3 per child. After this the standard price for tickets available until Friday 11 May at 7pm is £7.50 per adult and £5 per child.

*New for this year* - we are also offering a hog roast along side the delicious BBQ food. When buying your tickets please select whether you want the hog roast option or 8oz burger or jumbo sausage. The hog roast numbers are limited so don’t delay in buying your tickets!


Crackley's Got Talent

Back by popular demand at this year’s Family Fun Day, the annual Crackley’s Got Talent show is an opportunity for anyone in the school community to show off their wonderful entertaining talents. In previous years the bill has been as diverse as jugglers, rock guitarists, gymnasts, mermaids, comedians and magicians – and so we’re looking to create a rich smorgasbord of talent to entertain the crowds at this year’s main summer term event.

Entry forms can be found via this link, so please fill out one of these for your act and hand it into school. Please note there will be lunchtime rehearsals organised during the week leading up to the event. So now it's over to you, you talented group of students! It's time to put an Act together and practice – it’s always lovely when children group together and create something between themselves and particularly wonderful to see whole classes perform at the Talent Show. Remember, it’s your time to shine!


Non Uniform Day

Friday 11 May 2018

There will be a non uniform day for all Crackley Hall pupils on Friday 11 May 2018. In return, all children in Nursery, Reception, J1 and J2 are kindly asked to donate a box of chocolates or sweets and all children in J3, J4, J5 and J6 to donate a bottle ahead of our Family Fun Day on Saturday 12 May.

We are also requesting any unwanted books that you have for our second hand book stall and new unused gifts for a separate stall. Both books and gifts can be left in the boxes in the foyer from Monday 8 May.

Many thanks for your continued support. 

Crackley Hall PTA 



Job Vacancy - Teacher Of Textiles

Required for September 2018, a well-qualified, dynamic and creative graduate to teach Textiles in our very successful Design and Technology department. The ability to teach other areas of the Design and Technology curriculum would be an advantage.

NQTs are also welcome to apply; the College has a comprehensive induction programme leading to full QTS status. Single accommodation may be available. Princethorpe has its own pay scale which is above national scales.

This is an excellent opportunity to join the fast growing Foundation that values its staff and offers a rewarding benefits package including discounted places for staff, a pension scheme, child care vouchers and a cycle to work scheme.

Application: To apply for this vacancy applicants must submit a Princethorpe College application form, together with a CV and covering letter detailing your personal qualities, experience and how you meet the person specification for the role. Applicants must ensure the application form is fully completed, including a detailed career history with specific dates.

Closing date: Monday 30 April at 9.00am and interviews are likely to be held on Thursday 3 May, at Princethorpe.

Further details and an application form are available from the College website.


Lost Property


Harry Turvey J3 has lost his named school coat aged 9-10

Millie Lammas J3 has lost her named school jumper and blazer

Henry Beddow J4 has lost his named school coat