
Mini Vinnies Recap - Feast Day of St Vincent de Paul

Thank you to Isabella for stepping in at the last minute and taking on the role of St Vincent in Monday's assembly to mark the Feast Day of St Vincent de Paul on Thursday 28 September.

It was inspiring to hear about all the excellent work the Mini Vinnies completed last year.

During assembly we looked at ‘Random Acts of Kindness’. Pupils were set the mission to think of ways that they can show the Virtues of Compassion and Loving, by taking the time to think and do things for others.

Mini Vinnies next venture is to collect any foreign coins so that we can pass them on to the St Vincent de Paul Society in the Parish. If you have any foreign coins left after your holiday, please could you bring them into the school office.


Junior 2 Harvest Assembly

Monday 8 October - 9.50am

We are delighted to invite you to Junior 2's Harvest Assembly on Monday 8 October at 9.50am.

The children will be performing a poem they have been learning in Drama during the assembly as well singing and telling us all about Harvest.

We look forward to seeing you. 

Harvest Mass

Tuesday 9 October - 9.00am

The next Mass will be led by Junior 3 on Tuesday 9 October at 9.00am in the school hall. The theme will be the Harvest and how we can provide for others.

All are welcome to join us.

Food Bank Appeal

We are again supporting the Food Bank for people living in the Warwickshire area. I would be grateful if pupils could bring in a small item of food – either a packet or tin please – during the week before half term, beginning Monday 15 October. This will be then passed on to those in our community who are in need of it most.

Thank you.

Mrs Jackson-Mayne