Important Information

Reception And Year 3 Early Bird Registration Deadline Is Today

Just a reminder that our early bird deadline for registrations for September 2025 Reception and Year 3 entry is today Friday 18 October. We advise those already attending Little Crackers in the pre-school year and siblings who are considering registering for 2025 entry, to please do so by this deadline.

For more information visit

To complete our registration form please click here.

If you would like more information about our admissions process please contact our Registrar, Mrs Jenny Vaughan on 01926 514410 or email

October Half Term Holiday Club

October Half Term Holiday club will be running from Monday 21 October to Friday 1 November 2024.

Timings and prices are as follows: 

  • Daily rate (9:00am – 5:00pm, including hot lunch): £30.00 per child
  • Breakfast club (8:00am – 9:00am, including breakfast): £5.00 per child
  • Teatime club (5:00pm – 6:00pm, including hot tea): £5.00 per child

Click here to see and book our jam-packed programme of some of  fun activities, including some exciting trips out of school (additional charges will apply).



Spelling Shed - Junior 2 To Junior 6

This year we are using the Spelling Shed programme as part of the children’s learning from Junior 2 through to Junior 6. The programme helps children to learn spelling rules systematically during both teacher-led lessons in school, and through a range of online games at home. Each game gives four different degrees of support in the form of difficulty modes; Easy, Medium, Hard and Extreme. Higher levels allow a higher score to be achieved, but children can practise as much as they like on lower levels before trying to gain higher ones. The scores achieved give a league position and each class has its own combined league position within a school league as well as the world league.

Your child’s English teacher will continue to send home lists of spelling words to learn each week, and, from next half term, they will also set weekly ‘assignments’ on Spelling Shed to complete at home. English teachers will be able to monitor your child’s progress with these ‘assignments’ via the teacher portal. Spelling tests will continue as a written test each week.

Your child will bring home their login information in their reading diary on Friday 18 October. Please can you support them to access the platform over the half term break, so they are familiar with the set-up and can complete their first games. Logins have all been tested in school, but please contact your child’s English teacher if you experience any difficulties with access. A Parents Log-in Guide is also attached  for your information.

We hope your child will enjoy using the programme and that you will find it a useful addition to our provision.


Jennifer Killick - KS2 Author

Crackley Hall are delighted to welcome children's author, Jennifer Killick into school on Tuesday 5 November. 

Jennifer is the author of the Dread Wood books and we are thrilled that she is bringing an assembly for Junior 4 to Junior 6 and workshops (for Junior 5 and Junior 6).

Jennifer's books will be on sale shortly, in the run up to the 5 November, please see here for ordering details.

Look out for that - Jennifer will sign those copies too.

Let's give her a real Crackley welcome!

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Cancelled Club - Karate Friday 8 November

Due to unforeseen circumstances unfortunately Karate Club will be cancelled on Friday 8 November 2024.

Flu Vaccination - Wednesday 13 November

The School Immunisation Team will be attending the school on Wednesday 13 November to carry out the flu vaccinations for all children in Reception through to Junior 6.

Prior to this day, they require the E-Consent link to be completed.  This link is specific to Crackley Hall.

Therefore, please click on the below link, and complete the information as requested in the E-Consent.  You will then be able to consent or decline to your child having the flu vaccination.

Unique Consent Link

Unique Consent Link as a QR Code

Once the form is completed, please ensure that you note the Unique Submission Number before closing the web page down, in case you have a query.

The E-Consent link will close on Sunday 3 November and will not be able to be extended.

Please note that the E-Consent link has been set up and is managed by the NHS Immunisation Team, and that the school does not have access to see who has or has not completed the form.

Therefore, it is imperative that you note your Unique Submission Number as stated above.

The School Immunisation Team will only be referring to the completed consent link, therefore if you do not complete this link, your child will not be able to have the flu vaccination.  Consent in any other format will not be accepted by the Immunisation Team.

If you have any queries regarding the form, please contact either the school office or the School Immunisation Team, details are on the attached information letter.

Crackley Hall Flu Vaccination Information Letter