The School Immunisation Team will be attending the school on Wednesday 13 November to carry out the flu vaccinations for all children in Reception through to Junior 6.
Prior to this day, they require the E-Consent link to be completed. This link is specific to Crackley Hall.
Therefore, please click on the below link, and complete the information as requested in the E-Consent. You will then be able to consent or decline to your child having the flu vaccination.
Unique Consent Link
Unique Consent Link as a QR Code
Once the form is completed, please ensure that you note the Unique Submission Number before closing the web page down, in case you have a query.
The E-Consent link will close on Sunday 3 November and will not be able to be extended.
Please note that the E-Consent link has been set up and is managed by the NHS Immunisation Team, and that the school does not have access to see who has or has not completed the form.
Therefore, it is imperative that you note your Unique Submission Number as stated above.
The School Immunisation Team will only be referring to the completed consent link, therefore if you do not complete this link, your child will not be able to have the flu vaccination. Consent in any other format will not be accepted by the Immunisation Team.
If you have any queries regarding the form, please contact either the school office or the School Immunisation Team, details are on the attached information letter.
Crackley Hall Flu Vaccination Information Letter